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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Hi again    First thanks to Mapster for the info on attaching your gear at the end of your post.Worked ok then said I needed a few more posts so it will have to wait a short while yet. The reason I am posting is a few of you are having a go at imaging the ISS . Here is a link to a very helpfull video to chop out wasted frames centralise the ISS and stack them even through the tumble (to a point). Hope this helps some of you. 

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Thanks for the link dolfin (sorry, I have forgotten your name) - that is really useful.

I use VirtualDub, but I haven't tried Castrator as I have used PIPP previously, however I believe Soupy uses Castrator. I have also used AutoStakkert! by the same developer, so it'll be a great little programme.

Think the biggest challenge will be capturing some frames containing the ISS rather than the processing...... LOL :D

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Virtual dub not heard of that for years I used to use it for reducing movies to a size I could run on a smart phone 10years ago!

It's looking like you guys should be able to get some good images tonight

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Also had a good look at Jupiter Venus and Acrturus again, dobs are soooooo easy to get out and start viewing straight away, compared to the HEQ5 which takes nearly an hour to get set up right!

Oh no I'm turning into a dob monster! ;)

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Maybe a future project building a motorised mount to track and photograph satellites

It would have to move fast and be adjustable as it rarely takes the same track through the sky, although it is a similar trajectory. :)

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It would have to move fast and be adjustable as it rarely takes the same track through the sky, although it is a similar trajectory. :)

Don't encourage him lol - as Mark says he's got that beauty of s scope to finish first!

..........it would be an interesting project though........ ;)

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Don't encourage him lol - as Mark says he's got that beauty of s scope to finish first!

..........it would be an interesting project though........ ;)

I wasn't implying I was going to do it as it means attaching a camera to a scope hence classed as astro photography. I don't do it
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Not yet anyway Damian. ;)

Can't believe I am currently out looking at Jupiter and I can see plenty of bands as well as two of his Moons! It is still daylight!

Spent an hour trying to sort the optics out. Removed secondary cleaned it with glasses lens cleaner it was filthy, re-aligned spider vanes, made sure they were equally spaced. Took some time to colliminated as laser is just about out of battery so was very dim and hard to spot as its not dark! Hopefully they will perform better tonight.

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Not yet anyway Damian. ;)

Can't believe I am currently out looking at Jupiter and I can see plenty of bands as well as two of his Moons! It is still daylight!

Spent an hour trying to sort the optics out. Removed secondary cleaned it with glasses lens cleaner it was filthy, re-aligned spider vanes, made sure they were equally spaced. Took some time to colliminated as laser is just about out of battery so was very dim and hard to spot as its not dark! Hopefully they will perform better tonight.

I think the dob fever has taken hold
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Think it might have, it's just too easy to get it out and use, I know it should cool down but it's just great to get some observing in. Think I have done. Ore observing in the last few days than I have since the start of the year. They say the best scope is the one you use the most so maybe I have found it! ;)

Spent a little time on Jupiter, and just under half phase Venus. Then watched a great ISS pass, tracking it most of the way!

Put it all away now, optics look a little better but need to do a proper star test. I think the mirrors might need recoating as there seems to be a reddish tinge to the views, but I might be mistaken! There is a small mark on there also, a possible small chip less than a mm but there none the less, so not sure to get it re-figured or not. But those are jobs for later on. I'm in no hurry.

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I've not had chance to do any observing this evening, although I might pop out for half an hour before bed.

It's the dreaded Physics P2 GCSE tomorrow, and after the disasters of the first part, I have had my head stuck in a text book helping Sophie with forces, circuits, magnetic fields and radioactivity! I hope this part of the exam is kinder to the students than the first part, as she needs to do well to take Physics A-level.

I'll be glad when the exams are over. Hope your daughter is coping with them ok Damian - you'll have to ask her about Hannah's orange sweets....... :)

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