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ISS vid I took from other night didn't work, too bright,  cant control exposure on 1100d when recording video, so am now thinking next time, put a ND filter on the lens to reduce brightness, any thoughts on that idea any one?

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Just watched the ISS with Luke - another A+++ pass!

Luke was on ISS Spotter and was amazed how far it travels whilst we can still see it.

Before it disappeared totally from view it had passed through: Great Britain, The Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and was over Hungary when we lost sight of it!!! WOW!

It has gone over Turkey before we finished typing this post! :)

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It's definitely worth having a go Neil. I've not tried a video as I enjoy using my DSLR on a tripod to take long(ish) exposure photos showing the light trail. It was a great opportunity tonight to do a few and then stitch them together in one of the programmes, such as the one Soupy recommended. However, I had been out to pick Luke up from his friend's house and hadn't had time to sort my camera & tripod out. Good luck if you have a go. And I agree, it was an amazing pass this evening. Beautiful and a real WOW moment :)

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Just wrapped the little 80mm frac up after what has been a fruitful hour.

Took in the delights of Saturn again which I have to say I never tire of looking at. Quite high in the sky and a lot further up than the predicted 25degrees I think.

Beautiful the planetary disc easy to split from the ring system.Titan was easy to spot too as well as a couple of other moons but the frac confuses the hell out of my directional abilities so not sure which.

I next went for the stars around scorpius and tried in vain for the globular cluster M4 but the glow of the town centre killed it.

I then watched the ISS following it with the frac I could clearly make out the rectangle of the solar panels.

Then onto lyra and M57 which was a challenge

Onto Cygnus and the open clusters of M29 near Sadr and then M39 above Deneb

I finished with a look at Albireo


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Sounds like you've had a great night Damian. 80mm fracs are the future lol ;)

Saturn seemed quite high last night, and I could clearly see Titan, but none of the smaller moons.

I even collared my neighbour to come and have a look as he passed walking his dog - he was amazed as he has never seen it before, and hadn't realised it was Saturn!

It's stunningly beautiful to look at, even in the 80mm frac :)

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Great report Damian... I agree 80mm francs are great, I picked up another from eBay SW80mmST with a QHY5 camera as well... Kept it quiet as didn't want to annoy the cloud gods ;)

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Great report Damian... I agree 80mm francs are great, I picked up another from eBay SW80mmST with a QHY5 camera as well... Kept it quiet as didn't want to annoy the cloud gods ;)

Another scope?? Well done, sounds like a good one. Think I'll be your first customer when you open "Soupy's Scope Shack" lol ;)

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https://www.facebook.com/green.witch.south/posts/1008652125845880:0 I thought this was interesting. I just might give it a go now I've read it with my 127 Mac just to see what it looks like. It's way too bright after sunset to make anything out Mark

Thanks for that Mark. Really interesting, and I didn't know Green Witch had a Facebook page (added him now).

I'd like to have a go at that myself when I get a suitable filter onto my 8SE - thanks for sharing.

p.s. Love the look of your new tent..... Your garden is nice too :)

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Thanks for that Mark. Really interesting, and I didn't know Green Witch had a Facebook page (added him now).

I'd like to have a go at that myself when I get a suitable filter onto my 8SE - thanks for sharing.

p.s. Love the look of your new tent..... Your garden is nice too :)

I've just checked it on an app I have on my phone and he's right so if u set up on the sun and wait 3 hours Venus should be in ur eyepiece.

Thanks we do like the garden our selfs we just have a lot of trees so this time of year the viewings well restricted. Winters not quite as bad but it's not easy.

I'm going to look lost in the tent but I refused to crawl in to a tent on my hands and knees lol I am going in a tent after all. [emoji12]


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Everyone's been very quiet on here this last couple of days!

It's another beautiful clear evening over Horbury, which will make 4 in a row - shame I haven't really capitalised with having to be up for work, and I don't think I'll be late tonight either.

There is an ISS pass at 11.18pm at 48 degrees, which I may stop up for, as it should be another good one :)

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It's sometimes like that at this time of year.

I have been on here just attending to my other thread updates which take quite a while up.

Just been on a thread detailing the ISS sightings and someone has got a cracking photo of it.

I will be capitalising on a night like this when the large scope is finished.

I'm on nights again

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I've had a look for that photo and I can't find it. What is the thread called? Ryan took a fabulous one last week and put it on his Facebook page - I'll have to get him to put it on here. He's done a few amazing photos recently - including one of Saturn!

The joys of night shifts, but at least you can pop outside for a break whilst it's dark to do a quick bit of MK1 eyeball star hopping! :)

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Yes Neil I watched it as well, great!

Had Meade out again, dobs are so easy to set up. But I need to sort out the optics properly, focus is a struggle :(

Tried to get camera on but not enough inward focus, took a pic of ISS but it's just a lit mirror! Then tried it with a 2x Barlow and can get a semblance of focus, might try now to image ISS tomorrow eve, if it's clear again :)

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I've had a look for that photo and I can't find it. What is the thread called? Ryan took a fabulous one last week and put it on his Facebook page - I'll have to get him to put it on here. He's done a few amazing photos recently - including one of Saturn!

The joys of night shifts, but at least you can pop outside for a break whilst it's dark to do a quick bit of MK1 eyeball star hopping! :)

Taken me a good 5mins on my new phone and was a bit of a challenge to find how to get to the page Url but here it is


An old thread but someone posted a recent update and just goes to show what can be achieved

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