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Looked at it many time's and always a nice find. Usually I star hop down from Albireo at the bottom of Cygnus as thats really easy to spot. Also worth a look whilst down there is M27 dumbell neb and also the globular cluster M71 in Sagitta

Thanks for the info on those Damian. I'm jotting them down in my notebook and hoping for a clear evening at some point to have a go at some of this stuff. Might be getting a bit light for M27, but still worth a try :)

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It's quite bright so you should be able to make that one out Vicky. Apparently we are going to get a heat wave this week so lots of clear skies.

Ooh, that's good news although typical when I am back at work and on earlies all week lol.

Hopefully, we'll get chance for some back yard astronomy this week then :)

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I should be available to help out at horbury  show,  depends if Kathi has anything planned,   apparently as she informed me yesterday while doing the pretty muddy we are going to Appleby horse fair next weekend,   knowing her she will accidently end up buying a horse lol

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It's quite bright so you should be able to make that one out Vicky. Apparently we are going to get a heat wave this week so lots of clear skies.

There's a wind warning for Monday through to Tuesday. Sun for Wednesday and Thursday. Then back to cloud for the weekend surprise surprise not


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Back down in the shire now, seems weather might pick up after all... Hope we get the chance of a look out this week as you say.

As for the AA... does that stand for Angry Astronomers as we are not getting any done?

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Glad to hear everyone is back home safely from their travels.

Let's hope we get at least one decent viewing evening this week, and we'll see about a meet-up :)

It's back to work for me and as its not dark till after 11:30 I won't be making it out sorry [emoji26]


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It's back to work for me and as its not dark till after 11:30 I won't be making it out sorry [emoji26] Mark

Yeah, don't know why even said that as I am on earlies all week too lol durr!

Think I just got excited at the prospect of a clear sky.

It's looking clear over Horbury this evening - might try a sneaky half hour later when it darkens if it is still clear.

Can't be too late in bed though as it is that pesky thing called work in the morning! :)

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Was going to do a bit later but i think you might all be right about going to bed early... Had a few late nights this week, and plenty of early mornings and got some work to do! Shame those clouds didn't stay away more this week, but Sod's law they clear when work calls!

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when do we lose the last practical astronomical darkness - is it next week? then its just the major planets and the moon for 4 weeks...

Don't think we can be far off now. Maybe we'll get next weekend if we are lucky. It seemed to remain light on the horizon through the night this last couple of days. I haven't captued Saturn yet though, and need to have a go at it whilst I have got Gain's PowerMate to try out, so all is not lost yet. Saturn will remain do-able even with the lighter evenings :)

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.....I might just need to pay a visit to a fellow WADAS buddy's garden with a decent South / South East horizon (who doesn't mind a late evening with a viewing partner) to get to image Saturn as I can't see it from my house :(

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Yes think we are just about past the point of no return for dark skies but do keep on the lookout for noctilucent clouds though.

Have been playing about with my Kielder Milkyway image from last year trying to get some more detail and just realised it shows brocchi's cluster standing out right in the top centre. I have had to compress the data to make it small enough to put on here as the original image is almost 90 meg so have lost some quality, but the file is still 2 meg so make sure you are on wifi! However you get the idea of position though there are so many stars it is hard to pick out any constellations!


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Vicky I just checked your image from Kielder on page 191 and it is just off the right hand edge, if you have another image that is slightly further right then you will have caught it.

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That image was the one I was originally looking at, then realised the bright star in the middle isn't Vega lol - please enlighten me which star is in the middle of my previous image.

I have quickly been through my images from Kielder and found some I haven't even looked at properly yet. Lo and behold there were a couple taken with the house on the right hand edge and there it is!!!

Thank you Soupy. I'm well impressed, and might have a go at processing some of my other images when time allows.

I am not even looking at that lovely clear sky outside this evening as I really need to go to bed, and just know I'll end up outside when I know I shouldn't be. Work is always harder after a week off.

Anyway, here's my image showing the coathanger asterism! :)


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Nice one Vicky, think the bright star you were looking at was Deneb.

What ever you do don't go outside, I have just come back in from a brief scan at Jupiter and Venus and I am absolutely nithered! It's brass monkeys out there tonight and the wind is making it even colder.

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