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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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I can't believe we can still see it! If it's clear on Tuesday I think I may give it a go Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was looking at it the other day using my binos. It is still very easy to spot, although it didn't seem as obviously "green" as it did when it was first observable heading past Orion. I'm tempted to have a go, even if it is just with my 80mm frac and DSLR.

I'll have to see what the sky is like on 27th before I decide whether I'm going to set-up the big scope and CCD for it ;)

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Talking of Cepheus, I have just read that this constellation has the hyperluminous quasar S5 0014+81, hosting an ultramassive black hole in its core at 40 billion solar masses, about 10,000 times more massive than the central black hole of the Milky Way, making it the most massive black hole known in the universe.

Now I know some if you may already know that, but I thought it was very interesting :)

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when you say set up in your bedroom, you do know tis is not a great way to view / image.,  if the window is closed, the glass in it is a problem as its not optical quality,

if the window is open, the scope (or binos )  cannot cool down enough to give good views, and the heat from the house will also effect the seeing


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when you say set up in your bedroom, you do know tis is not a great way to view / image.,  if the window is closed, the glass in it is a problem as its not optical quality, if the window is open, the scope (or binos )  cannot cool down enough to give good views, and the heat from the house will also effect the seeing

I am fortunate to have a big fully opening Velux window right next to the bed. Very cramped working space, but fabulous horizon from South East through to South West. I have worked out that if I open the window up fully and hang the end of the scope out before it drops dark it cools down lovely before I go and do some viewing. The bedroom isn't that warm over winter anyway. Hoping to get great views of Saturn this month between clouds! Just have to be mindful that I am squashed right next to my hubby's side of the bed and he has to get up at 4am for work lol :)


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I feel like an expert (Not) with my hand me down telescope held together with glue and a lolly stick :-(

Hi, and welcome - my favourite scope is my hand-me-down 80mm frac on an old GoTo mount that has had the broken motor/gears removed so I can move it manually. A good deal easier to acquire my targets than the computerised GoTo I have on my big scope. For a quick viewing session I always turn to my "old faithful" :)

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I feel like an expert (Not) with my hand me down telescope held together with glue and a lolly stick :-(

Hi, and welcome - my favourite scope is my hand-me-down 80mm frac on an old GoTo mount that has had the broken motor/gears removed so I can move it manually. A good deal easier to acquire my targets than the computerised GoTo I have on my big scope. For a quick viewing session I always turn to my "old faithful" :)

I dont even think it works going to test it later! Hopefully i will still be awake by the time its dark enough. I'm an absolute beginner. Going to take some time, but looking forward to it.

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Took the little 80mm frac out for a quick look at Venus and Jupiter, but high cloud made things a bit hazy. Glad I didn't bother with the big scope.

Did you go out in the end Ryan?

Viewed Venus' phase for the first time through a scope and even managed a quick A-focal shot with the DSLR. Was tiny in the image, so I have zoomed and cropped, but you can clearly see it's phase, so I'm happy with that :)


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Great Picture Vicky! I managed to get first light with the new ASI Camera, Im very pleased with the results!! Seeing was poor and the sky was still blue when I took this!! 2000 frames stacked from about 6000 captured. Videos linked in Virtual Dub, Imaged centred in PIPP, Stacked in ASII, Sharpened in AstraImage 4.0. Then finished in PS6. This little camera is amazing! Can't wait to have a real go with it! Im waiting for a bahtinov mask to arrive. I just guessed at the focus really. Not bad though for a first attempt. Im Hooked lol :grin:  :grin:  :grin:


Final Jupiter 07-05-15.tif

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Now you need to get an eq mount Ryan! You've started on the road to a very addictive hobby and not to mention thrilling and frustrating! I've heard the ASI Is a great imager, have you got the 120 or 174?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Nice work Ryan well done. Looks like the new camera is working fine. Looks like tonight's outing if off looking at the weather forecast. Will we ever get one of our plans meetings done

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The weather does look as though it is going to improve next week, maybe even for Sunday evening - we'll have to try to arrange a viewing session as soon as the skies allow (inbetween everyone's various work schedules).

It's not been a good winter for viewing :(

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Cheers Vicky, sorry if I just disapeared last night, I had to go to bed else I'd have been knackered this morning lol. I rushed the processing tbh. I might go back over and see if I can do a bit better with it. I've got quite a high end gaming laptop so it breezes through processing.

Sam, I know im now in Dangerous waters lol! I would love an NEQ6, but my wife Bev goes on maternity leave today so the old pocket money is going to be short for a while. So ill have to make do for now

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