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50 posts AND one months membership to view and buy from the classified, 250 posts to sell and place ads. Please note, if you try to increase your post count by post farming ( copying and pasting "Hello and welcome" in the welcome section ) will result in your post count being adjusted accordingly and your permission to gain access to the classifieds section could be removed.

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I did but maybe if I keep plugging away I might at least get to 50 so I can check out any OOUK's on the classified section - does the section appear once you get to 50 as I can't see an option or button for it anywhere at the moment :rolleyes:

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Exactly, I feel the same way.  I've spent months procrastinating on the right scope as a newbie.  People on here have been brilliant in helping me get to where i am now and I find myself limited to see the ad section because I don't have enough posts!  Where's the logic in that? Being limited to ebay and AstroBuySell for the discerning buyer is a bit of a nonsense when us newbies are chomping at the bit to get set up.  Surely that's got to be a good thing for SGL classified not a bad thing?  So what's the issue?

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I've done it !!!  I got my 50 posts!  Feel rather excited?! :grin:   Sad eh?  Only another 200 posts to go to post an ad  :tongue:

It will take you some time to accrue a further 200 posts so the link above is well worth investigating. While we love members posting here, we much prefer meaningful posts, questions etc rather than short or cut and pasted posts to build up the post numbers. If we see that happening members will find their posts reducing rather than going up, I'm afraid !.

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It might seem harsh to begin with but when you have accured the required 250 posts you will have invested enough effort in the community to have access to the community's classifieds.

Personally I find selling through SGL much more comfortable than AB&S.  On SGL I can see previous posts, reputation number etc of potential buyers to see how credible they are.  You don't get that on AB&S.

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I think there may be a bit of a myth surrounding the SGL Classifieds Section for the newcomer. All types of things related to the hobby do appear over a period of time but, to imagine it is a hectic trading post full of all those amazing things one is desperately looking for is not the case.

I did but maybe if I keep plugging away I might at least get to 50 so I can check out any OOUK's on the classified section - does the section appear once you get to 50 as I can't see an option or button for it anywhere at the moment :rolleyes:

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I am a genuine person and there are long standing members on this forum who can vouch for that, eg dweller25 and Moonshane for two whom I have had the privelidge of meeting in person wanting to learn more about astronomy and them willing to share their experience with me, like others have kindly done so on the topics I have posted.  

Deduct my posts if you see fit but I think you will find I have nothing to hide John.

Thanks to many experienced persons who have offered their advice on the posts i've submitted I am now at the point of purchasing my first scope and as it happens it will probably be a new one not 2nd hand as many have advised as the Skywatcher Skyliner 200P is a bargain even new!  And I've only come to this decision through the posts on SGL.  I was all out for buying a new OOUK 10" but for a starter scope I think I'm aiming too high.  So decided that despite my reservations about the quality of the SW it is probably a better option.  This was all thanks to the posts I have made on this forum.  

If this forum is not for this purpose then maybe I have made a mistake and I'd hold my hands up.

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I am a genuine person and there are long standing members on this forum who can vouch for that, eg dweller25 and Moonshane for two whom I have had the privelidge of meeting in person wanting to learn more about astronomy and them willing to share their experience with me, like others have kindly done so on the topics I have posted.  

Deduct my posts if you see fit but I think you will find I have nothing to hide John.

If this forum is not for this purpose then maybe I have made a mistake and I'd hold my hands up.

I'm sure you are an honest and well intentioned member but we have to have a few rules on the forum and we have had plenty of people lately who have been "post farming" as it's called to get access to the classifieds section so I hope you can forgive my gentle guidance about this. It's quite a lot of work for us to deal with this after the event and we are all volunteers who have the best interests of the forum and it's members in mind at all times.

I sincerely hope you find a great scope either on the used or new market and make regular reports on how you are getting on with it :smiley:

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So what's the issue?

Having been on a mod team before, I have seen when the limit is missing people come in with no posts and then hoover up all the for sale with no contribution to the community.  It can be very frustrating.  Also it makes it hard to trust people who refuse to contribute.

So I do understand why it's there, but now I am on the other side of the fence I can finally see why it was always such a point of contention when we added a similar limit as SGL have.

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Having been on a mod team before, I have seen when the limit is missing people come in with no posts and then hoover up all the for sale with no contribution to the community.  It can be very frustrating.  Also it makes it hard to trust people who refuse to contribute.

So I do understand why it's there, but now I am on the other side of the fence I can finally see why it was always such a point of contention when we added a similar limit as SGL have.

Exactly. Before the current rules were in place, we had people buying stuff on here, at the at the sort of prices fellow members offer each other, and then selling it immediately at a profit outside the forum. We even had members acting on behalf of "traders" picking off the bargains and passing them on  :sad:

I appreciate that these rules are contentious but they are there for a reason and have been developed on the back of considerable, and sometimes painful, experience in the past. 

The forum is about so much more than just a place to buy & sell gear :smiley:

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Well Ive been a member for over 12 months and I cant be accused of "Post Farming". I do tend to log in most evenings but as said by the OP. when your new to this there is little you can add in the way of advice and such, I recon at my current rate it will be about January 2014 before I get access. Is there any kind of award for taking this long?



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Well Ive been a member for over 12 months and I cant be accused of "Post Farming". I do tend to log in most evenings but as said by the OP. when your new to this there is little you can add in the way of advice and such, I recon at my current rate it will be about January 2014 before I get access. Is there any kind of award for taking this long?



Not true, you can add a lot.. People are always grateful for kind remarks of encouragement be that with the arrival of their new gear or some first efforts at observing or imaging..:)

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I understand this can be frustrating for some members, but I think it is important to remember that buying and selling isn't really the point of SGL. There are plenty of other places dedicated to this (AB&S, and, dare I say it... even *bay) and in all fairness the majority of stuff that ends up for sale/wanted on this forum can usually be found on one of these. I for one am glad this rule has been set in place; as stargazer_00 mentioned it allows fellow members to buy and sell with trust that they are selling to genuine people. It's a great addition to the forum exactly because of this... but forum it is... first and foremost.

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