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How hard would it be to make my scope track???

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I have the skyliner 200p dob. I've seen on the flexitube models they do a tracking one with almost an identical mount. Is it fairly straight forward to convert mine or would I need the other mount? If so can the tracking mount be bought separately??

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The EQ5 will barely cope with an 8" F/6 tube to be honest. You might get away with it if you replace the tripod legs with stout wooden ones or the 2" ones. The Celestron CG5 is the same as an EQ5 but has 2" steel legs so is sturdier but still might be marginal with the long 200P tube on board.

A completely different approach is the equatorial platform which can be picked up used for around £200 or you can even make them. In some ways they are more convenient than an EQ mount because you still have the option to use the scope undriven when you want by just not putting it on the EQ platform. 

If your interest is for imaging though I think an EQ mount is the way to go.

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An equatorial platform is a base that can be aligned with the plane of the celestial equator by tilting it and then it rotates about the polar axis.  It's not the same as a standard dob base which rotates in whatever plane is horizontal wherever you are.


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Here is a thread with some pics of my 12" dob on the equatorial platform:


It tracks for around an hour between re-sets, which take about 30 seconds to do. The whole thing runs for weeks of a single PP3 alkaline battery.

It's one of those things that looks like it can't work and yet it really does  :smiley:

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I also think the Skywatcher Skyliner 200p flextube goto mount still leaves you with an Alt/Az type mount that is not suitable for long exposure DSO imaging.

The 200P dob is a good inexpensive entry into visual, unfortuantely it is not a system intended for imaging, although looked on as "simple" it can also be looked on as a specialised visual system. For an OTA of that size you will need the HEQ5 at least. The systems sold with the EQ5 are again aimed at the visual side not the imaging side.

Before you go buy a new mount first consider if you want to image with the 200P - could depend on the model you have and what you have to do to mount the OTA on an EQ mount. Basically you need to get tube rings around the scope OTA to grip it solidly. If you have the Flextube I am not sure that attaching tube rings to it is sensible as I would expect the Flwextube model to bend too much. The main body of the scope may get squeezed out of shape and the secondary could get moved by the tube rings gripping. 

Just thinking that if you had the Flextube you could end up not being able to put it on an EQ mount and then damaging it enough that you cannot use it for visual. The other aspect is that buying an EQ mount is the start only.

If you have the solid body variant then attaching tube rings should not be a problem.

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I think an equitorial platform would be the way to go if you don't mind finding things yourself. If it's the goto aspect you're after then you might be better off selling your dob to part finance the goto version. If imaging isn't in the equation, then I'm not sure I'd bother with an eq mount. Having said all that, if I'm using my dob (only a 5") I don't find it a problem nudging to follow.

So many option....if it wasn't for money it'd be easy :D

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Would it be possible to buy a Skywatcher Skyliner 200p flextube goto mount separate and put my scope on it???

Hi. Unfortunately this is not possible just to switch mounts as the mounting points on the scope tube are completely different between the manuals and the GOTOs.  Skywatcher said they were going to do a conversion kit, but withdrew it. I'm told they were getting people damaging their primary mirrors as the bolts are halfway down the tube.

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Hmm I was trying to view Jupiter the other morning with my 6mm barlowed, it was in be eyepiece for about 10 seconds, I felt like I couldn't capture the detail enough through Having to more the scope all the time.

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Hmm I was trying to view Jupiter the other morning with my 6mm barlowed, it was in be eyepiece for about 10 seconds, I felt like I couldn't capture the detail enough through Having to more the scope all the time.

The alternative of course is eyepieces with large AFOVs, personally I prefer manually tracking - much cheaper and quite easy once you get the hang :).

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6mm barlowed is 400x and this is almost certainly too much magnification for the scope anyway. you'll see far more detail with the 6mm on its own. assuming it's a 50 degree field this will put the disc in the field for about a full minute if you let it drift across the field then reposition it to the 'right'.

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