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Altair and Barnard 143


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Took these last week. The first is a wide field of the area around the constellation Aquila. I did not intend to image Barnards E, i never even knew it was there! I just pointed the camera at that area as i knew there would be some nice dusty stuff floating around :) was quite surprised when the first exposure came in showing the 'E'.

I used the Canon 50mm 1.8 for this image with a Canon 1100D unmodded. I now intend to for this to be the first panel of a mosaic i hope to crack on with.


The second image is again of Barnard's E but shot with the 200mm for a closer look!


I had a lot of trouble with the second image. I was getting a blurry result from Deep Sky Stacker which was very frustrating! But thanks to some fellow imagers the problem was sorted. Too many stars, DSS was finding over 30,000! So i had to move the slider (which i hadn't touched in months) up to 70%. Also, the stars are a bit trailed also due to polar scope collimation issues.

And i may as well throw in this image of Cassiopeia which was also shot with the nifty fifty! The more i use this lens the more i love it :p


Thanks for looking :)

Clear skies

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I was imaging Barnard's E for the first time myself recently and was surprised how well it showed up even with relatively short exposures. The end result I got was very satisfying, but wasn't nearly as good as yours - what sort of exposure time resulted in your fabulous images?

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Thank you Adam, Neil and Space Ranger! Glad you like them
what sort of exposure time resulted in your fabulous images?
The exposure details are -
Barnards E 50mm:
37* 180 sec exposures, f4, ISO 1600

Barnards E 200mm: 32* 150 sec exposures, f4, ISO 1600

Cassiopeia: 13* 150 sec exposures, f3.2, ISO 1600

P.S can anyone else see these yellow boxes??
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Great focus, great tracking, great images.

For me the colour balance is a little cold and I'd just see what happens with a global lift of the reds and then (in Ps) a visit to Selective Colour, Reds and a reduction of the cyans using the top slider. The MW is the womb of life and I crave a lttle warmth!!! It should also 'pop' the Ha regions.


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Hey Callum, how are you finding the astro track to use?


Hi Neil. The Astrotrac couldn't be simpler to use, i can be sitting at my laptop wandering around SGL and be up and imaging 10 minutes later! I just ordered an NEQ6 the other day because i have outgrow the AT a little bit. I want longer exposures and a steady platform for a scope eventually. But i wont get rid of the Astrotrac unless i have to. It will be perfect for taking to Southern skies one day!

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Great focus, great tracking, great images.

For me the colour balance is a little cold and I'd just see what happens with a global lift of the reds and then (in Ps) a visit to Selective Colour, Reds and a reduction of the cyans using the top slider. The MW is the womb of life and I crave a lttle warmth!!! It should also 'pop' the Ha regions.


Hi Olly, thanks for the suggestions! I will have a go at what you have said :) i'm not sure i will get much pop from the Ha regions though due to the unmodded cam.

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Wow that nifty fifty looks pretty impressive I was considering getting one for my canon 350d which has been modded now I am convinced it would be a good move.

Definitely a good move Mark, the nifty fifty is an ace lens for the price!

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I had heard that it was very good and have always wanted to get one for my canon 350D its never had a lens on it as it sits almost forever on my telescope. Would be nice to do some wide field imaging for a change as well. :wink2:

I would say go for it! I really enjoy widefield imaging, its a great way to learn your way around the sky. Th 50mm is a great FOV for mosaics as well :)

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If you have an astro trac, does that mean you can use a bog standard mount with no drive at all?


Not quite sure i understand Neil :huh: If you mean can you use just a normal tripod for the Astrotrac to sit on then the answer would be yes :)

...although i have a feeling thats not what you ment haha :tongue:

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Haha yes, but not just a tripod. In order for the Astrotrac to function properly you also need a geared head and ball head.

The tripod must be somewhat sturdy. Then on top of the tripod you have the 310 geared head, then the AT, then the ball head, and then the camera/lens. Buying these 3 pieces of equipment is what did the most damage to my wallet. But its ok if you're into photography and already have these things lying around!

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