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IC1848 (Soul nebula) with some attitude!


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Following on from my rather orange and bright Heart nebula, I decided to see if I could give the Soul nebula the same treatment, so duly collected some OIII to go with the Ha.

Too bright and in your face for some I'm sure, I rather like the colour combination. I could do with a slightly larger fov, but that won't be happening any time soon!


M: HEQ5 and Avalon Linear Fast reverse

T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: Atik 460EXM with 3nm Ha and OIII

11x1800s Ha

15x1800s OIII


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.... I could do with a slightly larger fov, but that won't be happening any time soon!

(... If hubby had an account on here, might he be rolling his eyes about now :rolleyes: ?!)

Aside from obviously needing a new camera ( :grin:), That's a superb setup you now have and the Avalon obviously enjoyed its trip across the med and has settled in very happily! I also like your bi-colour processing style - Orange and azure blue go well together (although it might be a bit much as a paint job in the living room :smiley:). Very smooth indeed.... :cool2:

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You don't catch me out Sara. Before I open an image of yours I turn the brightness right down :)

You've a knack of making OIII tight and sharp with great detail but soft and smooth at the same time.

Another success and great to see the mount working so well for you. Will it pan to the right do you think ??


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Thanks all - I always post these types of images with trepidation, they do divide opinions.

@Andy - Oh yes, a larger fov would be nice!!!

@Dave - You know that I already have the Ha for the right hand side as I did the 6 pane mosaic (where you STILL wanted more space!!) so I've decided I'll fill in the bits between the Heart and Soul and do a 6 pane mosaic in .............. glorious orange!!! No my mount doesn't point to the right!! LOL!!

@Epicyle - Yes I do think that the Astrodons make a lot of difference, certainly in Ha and OIII. I've not tried the SII yet, I'm enjoying the bi colour approach and it's one night quicker!

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