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Smoke gets in your eyes.


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All set up , lovely clear dark evening, no Moon until later. Just got a view south when there was a snapping and crackling, sparks and smoke from the guy at end of the garden opposite.

Garden bonfire until 11.30. Nothing Bon about it, just idiocy on a regular basis.

Had a look at M 16 and M17, both spectacular, but my Ophiuchus /Serpens area was smoked out.

Just had to swing around north and get the UHC on NGC281, the Pacman in Cassiopeia and NGC 6995 , bit of bright veil in Cygnus, aglow with the Milky Way.

I got the Delphinus nova again and to me it looked a bit fainter at 10.35.

As the Moon was brightening up the sky switched to the doubles in Pegasus, 3 Pegasi at x48 included STT 443 in the field, neat.

First time that I've had to pack up due to a bonfire. What added insult to injury was that he rigged up a Stalag searchlight to enjoy the burning. Now that's just not playing the game,


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Wish I could have had a bonny this weekend, as still slashing and clearing for my obsy site - but seems they are just not done any more, at least not in and around Bembridge, far too polite! Everything goes to the tip, which isn't so bad as its on my way to work everyday and it's still free! Mind you my back is grumbling about man handling treezilla (the stump) out on to the van and over the wall at the tip :)

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As a direct result of this thread I have had Bryan Ferry's "These Foolish Things" going around in my head all day. I think because I can't recall how his recording of "Smoke gets in your eyes" goes.


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