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Upgrading EQ3-2 Mount

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Not been on here for a while (life got in the way!). I have had my Skywatcher 150PL on the above mount for about two years and very happy with it. I live in King's Lynn town centre where there is a degree of light pollution but not as bad as it could be from the back garden/yard. I can not always get out to a darker site. I do like the hunt for objects (manual set up) but sometimes it is a bit difficult and frustrating. Was wondering about upgrading to a GoTo mount. I started deliberately with a manual set up top learn rather than just the computer doing everything. Would it be worth simply upgrading to the GoTo EQ3 mount? If so as I have tripod etc. already is it possible to buy just the GoTo head and hand set and motor drives or will I have to buy the whole set up and have a spare tripod? Next question - in due course I am thinking of getting a CCD camera fro some astrophotography (have my eye on one reviewed in July Sky at Night magazine). Question is as I currently do not have laptop (or hybrid laptop/tablet) is it better to go Windows or Mac? I sense there might be more drivers and software available for windows/Microsoft than Mac, but may be mistaken? Sorry for large number of questions in one post - feel free to pick and choose when responding and all advice as always gratefully received.

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If you want to do astrophotography it is a must having a tracking mount - Goto will be a plus (PM sent).

Most of AP software are Windows only - so if you care about versatility then go Windows. I work on both machines - PC and Mac and if I have to choose I always go PC...I think Mac is overrated.

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If the idea is a webcam that will soon lead to DSO imaging so really you should look at the HEQ5 with goto or if you feel OK then the EQ5 with goto. The EQ5 is a fair bit better then the EQ3 and the HEQ5 is a somewhat big beast. I have an HEQ5 and went and got an EQ5 as the EQ5 is just that bit easier to cart round.

Ultimately a mount you will use is a major consideration, and the EQ5 is less scary then the HEQ5.

It is a minefield as you will get reasonable images with the EQ5 and your scope, so it depends on how far/deep you want to get into AP.

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I discovered recently that there's an upgrade kit for the EQ3-2 to turn it into the GOTO, but IMNSHO it's really not worth the money. It makes more sense if you want the GOTO version to sell the standard one and buy the GOTO, especially if it's available second hand :)

If you're interested in imaging then I'd suggest you need to have a bit of a think about how you're going to go about it. First have a read of Steve Richards' "Making Every Photon Count" (especially for the DSO side). If you want portable kit to be able to take to a dark site easily then you may want to make different choices from those you'd make if you only ever used your kit at home. It depends a bit on what you consider "portable". I took a HEQ5 Pro, 127 Mak and PST on holiday to France this year, but with the cameras, weights, power supply, cables and all the other gubbins it wasn't exactly lightweight. If you need something easier to travel with for imaging then perhaps the EQ3-2 Pro with a smaller telescope and finder-guider would be a better bet. But read the book first :)


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In my opinion, an eq3-2 for ap will cause you an awful lot of frustration other than mounting a camera only on it. i'm not say don't try it but if it means spending £hundreds then I'd suggest looking for a bigger mount. whilst many say that the heq5 is the minimum, many people have gotten good results with an eq5 but i'd be concerned that the eq3-2 might be a stretch too far. to be honest, I'd spend the £20 on making every photon count BEFORE spending a penny on ap. it really could save you hundreds in the end

Edit :- If you're the type of person that will buy something anyway, reguardless of the advice (me sometimes) you might be better off buying just the ra motor for your existing mount for around £75. you'll still have to find your target, but if well aligned you might,just maybe get 60 sec tracking.


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Hi all,

I'm considering an upgraded mount for the same reasons. I have an explorer 200 on an eq5 (no goto). Has anyone tried to upgrade it to goto using the kit, is this more trouble than its worth?

how about the cg5 gt by celestron, anyone sed/seen one of these going?

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I have the same feeling about the EQ5 upgrade kit, to be honest. For me, the price differential between buying the upgrade it and having the faff of fitting it yourself compared with selling the EQ5 and using the cash to part-fund the purchase of a GOTO version (which you might even find second hand if you were lucky) doesn't warrant the hassle. I'm sure some people would look at it and think it makes sense. If they do, fair enough. But despite the fact I feel quite happy to do the job, I just can't see that it's the best way to do it.


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Hi I've done the upgrade on the EQ3-2, but the trouble is that it cannot carry enough weight to have a guide scope, its OK as a visual setup with a small scope. Eventually decided to get the HEQ5 Pro Synscan and the difference is obvious, sturdy construction, polar alignment easier with the illuminated polar scope and can carry a guide scope with ease, tracking accuracy better. So if AP is your goal save up for at least an HEQ5.


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Hi I've done the upgrade on the EQ3-2, but the trouble is that it cannot carry enough weight to have a guide scope, its OK as a visual setup with a small scope. Eventually decided to get the HEQ5 Pro Synscan and the difference is obvious, sturdy construction, polar alignment easier with the illuminated polar scope and can carry a guide scope with ease, tracking accuracy better. So if AP is your goal save up for at least an HEQ5.


What he said. And +1 for "Making Every Photon Count.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the replies and advice. I am thinking that perhaps EQ5 Pro will be the one to go for, but have first placed order with Auntie FLO for "Making Every Photon Count", which will read and digest before making final decision and committing bank balance!

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The EQ3-2 mount is a bit wobbly with the supplied 150Pl. I stabilised my a bit by filling the legs with cement and using an RA motor for tracking.

However you'll find the Heq5 pro a whole better experience. The polarscope is included and illuminated. Just ensure that you upgrade the notorious latitude adjustment bolts.

You can get a good deal with an ota, or go used and then mount up to a 200mm ota or a refractor on board.

It really is a superb workhorse, yet light and small enough not only to transport but move around . It is also superbly accurate.

I'd thoroughly recommend this system,


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