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Lagoon and NGC6559 in Sagittarius


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SPX350 F4.5, ST10XME, Astrodon filters.

Weather is much better now in Brisbane so I can get some imaging done. Started with the bright Lagoon in Hubble palette and moved to its forgotten neighbour nearby NGC6559 which has a pronounced dust lane and a reflection nebula patch, the dust lane is Barnard 303.







RGB-12x5m each.

ST10 bloom spikes are not present on a lot of narrowband images but are easy to remove from RGB.

Thanks, John.



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Oh come on - that's not fair!

You shouldn't be allowed to pair Australian weather, southern skies, astrodon filters, and capture and processing skills. Doesn't give the rest of us a chance!

Seriously though, these are both beautiful images and very tastefully processed. Love the colours in the Lagoon...

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Thanks for the comments, we have had an awful year of rain and wind with La Nina weather so now its finally turned out nice with 10 days in a row of clear skies but still some breeze around. A 14" OrionOptics F4.5 scope and the ST10 make imaging that bit easier and less time consuming. Sagittarius and Scorpius look wonderful over head, the Milkyway like misty cotton wool cloud but I miss the galaxies of UMaj and Canes.

Here is a close up of the dust lane looking like a dragon.



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