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Help with astigmatIc 14 inch mirror


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So thank you to astrobits..Nigel who tested my mirrors and they all seem fine which is good.

So Nigel suggested I look at alignment as it was all out.. Moved the spider 1cm away from the main mirror so the secondry now lines up better under the focuser tube..

Cheshire view attached which looks close...will retest.


Sent from my BlackBerry 9320 using Tapatalk


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After moving the secondary its a bit better but still there above 100x

So belt and braces..three blobs of silicon as recommended by Nigel....three not four!!

Epoxy on waiting for it to harden.


Sent from my BlackBerry 9320 using Tapatalk


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Well that sorted it!

It was the main mirror mounting! Stars are now pretty much perfect..

You cannot imagine how that makes me feel..

Nigels three blob strategy works!

So I feel some galaxy hunting might now be in order!


Sent from my BlackBerry 9320 using Tapatalk

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Ah Ha!

When we tested the mirror the OTA was horizontal and consequently the mirror was not resting on it's back. Any distortion caused by the cell would not show up until the telescope was pointed upwards.

I have recently been contemplating just this scenario and how to do tests on the mirror at various elevations to clarify the actual performance of mirror cells. Probably need a structure like a small version of Lord Rosse's telescope :eek:


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that's great news.

collimation, collimation, collimation that's what you need

if you want a view that's best

then you must take time to test,

collimation's what you need


If you want to be a Dob fixer..........Yeah! :headbang:

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