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Is my GSO 32mm possl 'redundant' now I have Maxvision 24mm?


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Like many I have been tempted by the 'bargin' maxvisions & due to needing good eye relief have gone for the 24mm. In terms of FOV this is so similar to my GSO 32mm, which I got as a 'finder' EP, I am thinking I should sell the GSO on to recoup some funds.

Before I do so, wanted to check with more experienced people here, whether there is some factor I am missing that means there is value in keeping the gso? ( other than the photo connection which hubby has tried but doesn't get on with.)

The things that are in my mind is does the lesser mag of the 32mm:

- mean the sky looks darker, so gives more 'contrast'

- it's easier to pick out the 'marker' stars I am searching for as there are less dimmer stars to distract /confuse me?

Any thoughts appreciated , thanks.

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I think you could fairly safely sell the GSO if it gives you the same field of view.

Actually the higher magnification gives you a darker background (not the other way round) which makes the contrast better, so all round the Maxvision should improve things.



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Would I sell my 32mm Plösll if I have 24mm 68° eyepiece? It depends...

You have f/4.7 telescope and the eyepiece gives a 6.8mm exit pupil. Can your eyes dilate so much to use all the light? If you live in a light polluted area, I would doubt it (and sell the eyepiece with no regret). But you live in the region with dark skies and the 32mm Plössl can help you to see large objects with low surface brightness - e.g. Helix and Pacman Nebulae (with UHC/OIII filter), M101... I usually observe in (I guess) a bit more light-polluted area (Bortle (4)-5) with a f/5 telescope and I've decided to keep my 32mm Plössl, even I bought (second-handed) Vixen LV-W 22mm eyepiece (65° AFOV). I don't use it often, but sometimes it helps - but this can be individual.

My advice: keep it for 2 or 3 months and you will see if you use it...

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Thanks guys, OK I got the darkness thing wrong way round so that's not a factor. I understand what you are saying netol & was aware the 32mm had a higher Exit Pupil than my middle aged eyes could fully use. We mainly observe from home which is Bortle 6 so not good, but with Exmoor / Dartmoor not far away and with much better sky's intend to go there more as we get more experienced.

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The Maxvision being the same as the Meade 24mm is a very good eyepiece, it's not far behing the 24mm Panoptic and is almost give away. I have never used GSO eyepieces but I would have thought the Maxvision was better in all areas, remember the Meade branding of this was a fairly expensive piece of work.


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Keep the GSO until you've had time to compare them back to back to satisfy your worries - You're not going to loose any money on it for the sake of a couple of months. When you've done that, sell the GSO. :)


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I'd definitely keep the GSO 32 for a bit and use it alongside the Maxvision 24. The GSO's are good quality plossls and it will be interesting to compare how objects look through the two eyepieces.

A 32mm plossl is not going to net you a great deal on the used market and that won't change if you hang onto it for a while longer.

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I agree with the above comments, hang onto the 32mm for a while, i have done this in the past namely with my x2 tal barlow, i bought a "better" barlow so sold the tal with out making a proper comparison, was not a good move

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I agree with the above comments, hang onto the 32mm for a while, i have done this in the past namely with my x2 tal barlow, i bought a "better" barlow so sold the tal with out making a proper comparison, was not a good move

I did the same thing with my TAL 2x. Biggest mistake i ever made astro speaking.

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