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Sketch study of the Veil


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As a pretty new member of this forum I thought I'd contribute something I did a couple of months ago. While I love imaging I also get a lot out of sketching. I'm completely carp at it but I get a lot of satisfaction and enjoy that extended time at the eyepiece as a change to spending hours shouting at my equipment when I can't get the autoguiding going...

Here are some sketches of the Veil nebula through a 20" dob and a Televue Genesis 4" apo, both using a 35mm Televue Panoptic and an OIII filter under very dark skies (I was counting somewhere in the region of 16 stars within the square of Pegasus). A lucky boy I was indeed, I just wish I had access to that sort of kit all the time. The sketches were taken over several nights.

It was a thoroughly pleasurable thing to do, spending that much time at the eyepiece getting to know the objects. In particular I was thrilled to see Pickerings Triangular Wisp visually, especially as I had not previously seen an image and only confirmed my sighting by comparing the position of the field stars with those in long exposure images. Contrasting the view in the 20" with seeing the whole of the supernova remnant in the field of view of the Genesis with the Panoptic was, well, brilliant.

Don't laught at my artistic ability, well not much :icon_jokercolor:



Eastern segment


Western segment


Pickerings Triangular Wisp


The whole thing fitting in the eyepiece of a 35mm Panoptic in a Televue Genesis

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Thanks for the comments.

They were made while on holiday in Provence - made me a little bit too smitten with good kit and dark skies. I was very lucky to get 8 nights observing from a 10 day holiday with about 3 nights of absolutely exquisite conditions :icon_jokercolor:

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Phil, These are wonderful sketches. Anyone who would laugh at these, would be considered very naive in my book. Of course nobody on this forum would. I have said this before, I think sketching from the eyepiece is a terrific way to present an image. It teaches great discipline, and the people who practice this skill will turn out to be very capable observers. I hope you keep doing this, because they are a great way to record objects on a particular night, and you also supply information relative to the subject.

Great work.

Ron. :icon_jokercolor:

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