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Cygnus Loop in NB - 314L+ & 105mm lens - Slight Reprocess


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With continuing bad weather, I'm looking over my present data and seeing if I can improve on the processing.

This is a slight reprocess of the Cygnus Loop taken with the Atik 314L+ mono CCD camera with Asahi Super Takamar 105mm f2.8 prime lens at f4, filters were Astrodon 5nm Ha, 3nm OIII and 5nm SII. This is basically Ha and OIII - the SII showed little and what there was seemed much the same as the Ha. Ha to red, OIII to green and OIII + 25% Ha to red.

Stacked in DSS, aligned with RegiStar, combined and processed in PS with GradientXterminator used to remove the gradient caused by the full moon on some of the subs.


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