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New Sky at Night format


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For me it doesn't work with professional astronomers fronting the show. S@N was essential an amateur astronomy programme - with Sir P. chatting and asking questions to professionals as a knowledgeable amateur might. Now it is more like a science documentary for 10 year olds.


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For me it doesn't work with professional astronomers fronting the show. S@N was essential an amateur astronomy programme - with Sir P. chatting and asking questions to professionals as a knowledgeable amateur might. Now it is more like a science documentary for 10 year olds.


I agree and well put.
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I do understand the desire to preserve S@N's homely, amateur feel, but:

Maybe it's time to cease distinguishing between Scientists / Astronomers:

Professionals, Amateurs, Publicists, Journalists, Bloggers, Lay etc. etc.

I even make concessions for their "comedian" hangers-on, these days. :p

Astronomers might consider themselves lucky such diversity is possible?

Never met him, but I perceive Chris Lintott as a warm... personable, guy.

I notably remember, when SPM went off on one of his "reveries", re. the

"Evils of women on TV", Chris joked(?): "I hope you don't think I agree"?

Stout fella, I thought anyway... And I have been a fan of his ever since. :D

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Patrick was a one off, and it would have been a mistake to try and just replace him with one person and carry on with the old format. Also, I'm in favour of any programme that promotes astronomy, especially with a slant on the amateur side.

I'm fairly old fashioned and traditonal, and it does amuse me (and irritates a little) when the presenters are lined up and sing 'hello' or 'goodbye' at the start and end of the programmes. It reminds me very much much of the format of Springwatch and Autumnwatch with Chris Packham and chums. I've never got used to the fact that on news programmes the presenters always have to be in pairs either - as I said, I'm a bit of a dinosaur.

I am delighted the BBC have carried on at all with the S&N, othewise we would all be contributing to a thread lamenting its demise instead of this one!

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I do like the current format, and I do understand that you can't please all the people all the time but my 7 year old watches it too and he understands most of it, has the show been dumbed down?

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I feel the show has been dumbed down some! I think the issue is that SPM had a firm grasp on how the show should be. We now have a situation where the presenters are trying to find their niche, and probably interfering BBC producers trying to make the format modern and interactive, can be a bad thing, there are other programmes which have suffered that fate. What is really missing is the base the show had, the team are like a wandering band of players, not able to get down to the real science because there is only so much you can do when working out the back of a lorry. Please BBC give them a solid foundation from which to present the show, we will then see more of what this team can do!

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With regards the Farthings property, it was bought by Brian May some time ago, so I have no idea what is destined for it now.

Thanks for this snippet Nillchill, somewhere I thought I had read BM had bought the property but wasn't quite sure. I expect it might be full of sheltering badgers right now! :evil: Cheers Steve
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I personally haven't got a problem with it, the first program with the new line up was a bit shaky at the start I thought but I think they've all moved into their roles just fine now.

As I've said before I hope they don't put big shouty celebs in it & blowing the budget so we end up losing it for good. As for John, I can take him of leave him really as there are far more annoying people on the tv as far as I'm concerned.

I like Pete as he has a good way of explaining things & I've used some of his tips in the past so that can't be bad & proves to me anyway that he is good at what he does.

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Tend to agree with Tich, the first couple were a bit shakey, but then they were trying to get their feet and were on new ground. Seems to have come to a reasonable level of presentation. Perhaps 3 presenters Chris, Lucie Green and I think one of Paul Abel or Pete Lawrence may be a bit easier. At this time wouldn't like to see either Chris or Lucie lost, they don't seem a bad pairing.

Concerning the professional astronomers no problems, would like to see it being a bit more technical at times. Fine talking as if everyone is a beginner but after a while you are not a beginner. The program may have to move with people as they get more experienced. Look at it this way, some astronomers may actually know the technical side and so the simple approach can be a drawback.

The program cannot be the same. I recall someone on SGL saying 6 weeks after SPM died that they would like to see the old format with him back on presenting the program. Yes, that puzzled me as well.

I suspect that if the BBC do not dump it then it will continue developing over the next few years. They do seem to move round and involve different astronomy societies, and so advertise the presence of such. A good approach I think. One day they will be at one that has clear skies.

So far it is different to what it was, that's fine as it cannot be the same, content seems fair, presenters appear fine - just not sure where J Culshaw fits, just seems that too much of his TV impressionist comes in and perhaps not really him.

May be like everything in astronomy - it could be lot easier to plan and produce if they could guarantee a clear sky. Sort of talk about a Super Nova, a talk about how they occur and what happens, then at an astro club to see people observing one. Just it normally ends up being inside avoiding rain or looking at the underside of clouds. Does make planning an astrononmy program difficult.

So far seems to be going OK and in a reasonable direction for what it does. Biggest problem is working out when it is on to watch.

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As long as they don't introduce a puppet character I'm sure we can live with most things - even Jon Culshaw !!! ( Sorry John - Good Ormskirk Lad :grin: )

Just to be pedantic - apologies in advance - if they had "The Muppets do Astronomy" or "Sesame Street does Astronomy" there would be a large number of 4 year olds wanting to try it. And some would like it and carry on. So there can be positives from the most unlikely sources.

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