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Saturn June 6th 1st light red filter.

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Cracking shots Stuart.

Seeing wasn't good for me last night, sure this was due to radiating heat from daytime.

I assume it must have been pretty stable where you are?


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Thanks guys! Seeing was not as good as the previous single avi night Pete the image was pretty stable but had some fuzzyness which I'm guessing was the heat radiating as this became worse as the temp dropped. Each night conditions have been best at dusk between 10.20 and 11pm.

Ok, I've done a quick LRGB replacing the red channel from colour cam with the mono red and also using mono red as luminance. The colour shot was only a quick 2000 frame stack so very noisy but I'm confused why the colours are off as when I've done RRGB with the colour cam channels its not looked like this?

2nd image is a 50/50 colour cam/Red mono combo which has a better colour than the LRGB which confuses me?

The mono red was taken 10 mins before the colour shot could that cause the weird colour in the LRGB?

All done in winjupos.



Colour/Red mono combo:


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Thanks Alan I think maybe something in-between the 2 would work better its easy to get carried away with the sharpening when more detail appears.

Cheers Freddie no plans for G & B filters unless we were guaranteed weather like this more often. Very tempted but not sure it would be as beneficial for Jupiter. Will experiment with the R mono/Colour cam for the time being. Filter wheel would add issues with larger image scale and needing yet another barlow. I've spent a lot of dosh recently lol

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Very nice detail in the [red] mono.

I was hopeful of a session myself, but looking at the weather the North East was the only place in England with cloud last night and I couldn't see anything.


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Stuart, for what its worth, my experience is that mono gives a definite benefit on Jupiter. Sell a couple of cows to fund it, you know you really want to.

He he maybe need to sell a couple for one of those solar scopes. Was looking at prices the other day and nearly fell off my chair!

Cheers Robin. Weather looks good for a few days yet so I'm sure you will get a another chance.

Here is a polar projection ;


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Thanks James the scope is Auto DOB 250 as on my signature. Avi length for the red mono was 6 mins @ 71fps with 70% Gain. To get an idea of the extra sensitivity of the mono cam I was getting 50fps @ 100% gain with the colour cam and 100% gain on the mono red produced 90fps.

Cheers Rob!

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