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Elephant's Trunk Nebula in IC1396


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This is my attemp at the Elepant's Trunk Nebula in Ic1396

Taken on the 15 of May

Using a SWed80 with reducer

Cannon 1100 modded with Idas filter

Heq5 controlled by eqmod

Guided with a st80 and a qhy5

3 hours at 5 min exposures at iso 1600

Stacked in DSS with Bias and Flats and processed in PS

This is my first use of iso1600 as i've always used iso800 in the past and am supprised its come out as well as it has done.

The usual battle against nosie wasnt too bad this time though this picure needs alot more time spent on it . I hope to come back too it with my new 314+ which i will be getting this week :)

Thanks for looking



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Here is my V2 .

Ive dropped the Blue in Levels and used HLVG to get rd of the nasty green and moved up the red slightly also in Levels

Thank Martain for your keen eye.

Its seems obvoius to look at, now that the blue was too high. But when you have been looking at the screen trying to process and image sometimes you miss somthing that is starying you in the face.

Please keep the critique comming



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