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White light Sun, 6th May


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Gorgeous morning this morning, blue sky with a touch of hazy cloud overhead, though to the east a band of cloud was running almost perfectly north-south splitting the sky in two. Fortunately it must have passed over whilst I was still struggling into consciousness. The forecast and sat24 do look at odds though, the former looking quite optimistic in the light of the huge amount of cloud piling up to the west of the UK, so in an attempt to avoid disappointment later on and to try to get the best of the seeing I was all set up and ready to go before the Sun had even cleared the roof. The seeing wasn't perfect, but not bad. However I could see occasional darkening of the image in the APT preview window due to the haze so I did two imaging runs of 120 frames and processed the best out of the lot.


240 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100, 450D/127 Mak, preprocessed with PIPP and 50 of 160 stacked in Registax v6.


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I noticed my arms were a bit crisp and red after yesterday afternoon too :)

You got out in the sunshine at last then! Did you manage any imaging, or is your garden more in need of attention now the weather seems to be improving?


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