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Ayone bought from Teleskop-au​stria?


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I need a PST adapter for the stage 1 mod and have contacted Teleskop-au​stria.

Total cost 67 Euro's including shipping, but they want me to pay by wire transfer to their account.

Just not sure about this method of payment so I thought I'd get some advice.



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Not sure if this will help but you can fit the pst gold tube quite happily into a 2" focusing tube directly. I did this on Saturday and the difference in diameter is less than a millimeter. I used some aluminium tape that I had lying around just to bulk the pst tube out a bit and it sits very well. I've also not cut the pst tube (yet) as it's shorter than the focusing tube of the Tal 100RS I used as a donor scope.

As for Teleskop-au​stria I'm sure many folk have used them since they are the go to guys for the adaptor but I don't know what the wire transfer bit is about.

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Yes I have bought from them and can thoroughly recommend them, the payment system took me be surprise but all was went smoothly. I thought I was just proceeding to the checkout and then I got a confirmation email about my order.

You have the option to pay via papypal too, or at least that is how I paid.

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Cheers guys.

Yeah the wire transfer has taken me by surprise, I have no idea how to do that. I was hoping to pay by credit card at the checkout as you have a chance to claim back if everything goes pear-shaped with the order.

I wonder if I contact them direct if they would accept credit card?

As for PayPal, I don't have an account with them anymore, not sure I trust them.

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Steep. I really want to avoid cutting the gold tube just incase I want to put the PST back to standard but if I came across some spares, that would be different.

How is the mod going by the way?

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Barring a bit of cleaning up it's done Sqyff, had first light with it on Saturday (heart stopping moment or two until I found the sun :) ). I'm going to do a write up about it probably tomorrow once I get it looking nice enough to photograph, mainly because there were a few issues with the Tal scope that others should know about. Also to let folk know that it's not voodoo magic as I first thought it was going to be.

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