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Explore Scientific or Nagler?


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Hello again.

I'm working on increasing me eyepiece collection. I've just purchased recently my another Nagler which is 17mm T4. Now I would have 9mm eyepiece. My types are two.

1. Explore Scientific 9 mm 100 degree

2. TeleVue Nagler 9mm t6 82 degree.

Which one you would recommend?

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Good question. There is an obvious difference in FOV. The TVs apparently (no pun intended:)) are slightly better corrected to the edges in fast scopes. If your scope is above F5 I'd go for the ES as its probably cheaper too. I'm using tapatalk so I don't know where you're posting from. Importing ES makes good financial sense at the moment.


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I've recently made a similar choice. I had a Nagler Type 5 20mm and also an ES 20mm / 100. My fastest scope is an F/5.3 newtonian but I also have F/6.5 and F/7.5 ED refractors.

I decided to go for the ES 20mm / 100. It was not better than the Nagler but seemed as good to me with my scopes and the 100 degree field of view plus large eye lens was very immersive, which is a feature that I like.

In your case the ES 9mm / 100 is a LOT larger than the Nagler T6 9mm but thats not a factor for you so maybe the ES is a good solution.

At that focal length I'd also consider a Pentax XW 10mm - not as large a field of view but one of the finest eyepieces at that focal length made, in my view.

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If you mentioned Pentax 10mm John I would say that TeleVue Delos 10mm is also worth consideration .

I agree - I've not used the Delos 10mm but all the reports are that it's very, very similar in performance to the XW.

At the time I was loaned the 10mm XW, I had (and really liked) the Nagler T6 9mm in that slot. Both are great eyepieces but the XW did seem to control light scatter slightly better around bright objects and seemed to show faint planetary moons just a little easier. We are talking subtle differences here though to be honest !

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You mention you have the 17T4 - is eye relief important to you? If so, neither the ES or the Nagler are very forgiving in that respect, but the XW and Delos are. Between the latter, the XW is £40 cheaper fwiw.... but if you really like the extended FOV, you should be able to import the ES for about the same price.

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I am (perhaps stupidly) snobby about eyepieces. another way to put it is brand loyal and I buy Televue with the exception of my three BGOs and a 1.6x barlow (Antares). that said, two of my three scopes are f4 and this makes a difference to choices. personally though, I never really got on with the T6 Nagler I borrowed once as I prefer to see the field stop easily which is a test I think in the T6s.

with your scope and with the two options I'd agree with the ES 9mm.

I appear slightly unusual in that I really don't like using my 13mm Ethos on the moon and much prefer the 12.5mm BGO or 15mm TV plossl. depending on your observing preferences this may be a factor. if lunar is a small part of your observing then ignore me, if it's a large part then think carefully but as I say, maybe it's just me.....

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Unike Moonshane I am a snob and like Televue very much though I do have Pentax's and Meade UWA's.

The 9mm is small and compact and a very nice eyepiece, if John say's the Pentax is a tad better then it will be. I would however go for the 8 or 10mm Delos or the 10mm XW , there is a review on the 10mm Delos by me in the reviews section. This for me it a better eyepiece than the 9mm Nagler though not by much. On the other hand the Ex Sc has that wonderful 100 degree FOV, that I like. I don't believe the ExSc will be as good as the Delos for it's 72 degrees or the XW for it's 70.

I think the Delos it a jump ahead of the others that are readily available with the possible exception of the Pentax.


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At F7.5 it would have to be the ES. It should be wonderfully corrected over its entire 100deg field. At that focal ratio my ES 82's are more than a match for the equivalent Nagler and from the few times i've peered through other people's ES100's, they are spectacular. It is my dream to have one or two myself, plus a Delos or two for dedicated planetary.

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There is a opportunity to get Meade UWA 4000 8.8 mm for really good price. Perhaps I should get this ep?

I've heard the optics are exactly the same as the Explore Scientific, so go for it - unless you are getting a scope faster than F/5 :).

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The Meade 4000 is a Japanese made eyepiece and has a very good reputation. It was out of production way before the ES eyepieces (which are chinese) became available. There was also a 14mm in the 4000 range which has a big fan base too.

I believe the series 4000 UWA's have an 84 degree apparent field of view but their eye relief can be a little shorter than the later series 5000 UWA's. It's the latter ones that may be related to the ES 82's I think.

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As John said there are fans of this 4000 series Meade range but it is a good few years old now. I would say if the price was that good and there were that many fans it would have been snapped up, and it hasn't. I am not saying it is not good but eyepieces have come a long way in the last 12 years.


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Just bought ES 9mm 100 degree. This is my first eyepiece with 100 degree afov.

Thank you guys for all yours advices.

I'm sure you will love it :smiley:

I have the 20mm / 100 and it's really excellent.

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FWIW I have one of those Meade 4000 8.8mm UWA eyepieces and it is a very nice eyepiece but not in the same league as the Pentax XW10 that I bought to replace it. I have looked through a fair few of the ES eyepieces (though not the 100° ones yet) and they are very nice indeed. I am sure you will love it.

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