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Costs of this hobby.A small observatory.

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Well done ACHIRD on what you have achieved. I agree astronomy can be a large money sink, no pocket too large. For insurance purposes I have maintained a record of all the costly items I have which amount to over £5600 over seven years. I intend to sell most of my underused telescope and image equipment (wot weather) and concentrate on binocular astronomy. All the best with your gear.



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Congratulations on getting your shed and scope at 83 hope it brings you and your wife some great nights looking at the stars.....as for the money side,,, spend only what you need too ..you have a shed and a heater and a scope what more do you need to start off...Davy

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Well done ACHIRD on what you have achieved. I agree astronomy can be a large money sink, no pocket too large. For insurance purposes I have maintained a record of all the costly items I have which amount to over £5600 over seven years. I intend to sell most of my underused telescope and image equipment (wot weather) and concentrate on binocular astronomy. All the best with your gear.



Does your insurance policy cover damage by wife - if so how much did this add to the policy and excess? ;)

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Well I've started on this slippery slope tonight with buying my first scope (Heritage 130p). Now just need to tell the wife. Wish me luck!


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You spent more removing a tree than you did on the scope !

I wish I could remove the trees that are directly south of my observatory, but they're in my neighbours garden :(

Anyone have any tips on removing a small mountain? It very inconsiderately blocks my northern sky....

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When I look in my eyepiece box I see six eye pieces . When my financial adviser looks in my eyepiece box she sees 1000 pounds + This is an expensive hobby if you let it, slightly cheaper than owning a F1 team. Its up to you really. I HHO the very best value for money is thus. Either a SW 8 inch dob or a TAL 100 RS on an AZ4. For EPs, for me at least its either BST (Starguiders) or TeleVue plossls

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Last October I decided to buy my first scope after 30+ years of having the interest but never the time. That scope was my Skywatcher 130m & I can still remember me saying to my girlfriend, 'This will last me at least a year so I can learn the skies properly', hahaha 4 & half months & £1500+ later I've a 200p/EQ5 other 'bits & bobs' & a thirst for starting out in AP :eek: I've now accepted that since this started the Audi RS6 will never happen & my 10yr old Vectra SRI will do me just fine :rolleyes:


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Haha true! When I say these words, my wife hears 'So I'll be spending a few hundred quid more on this in the next few weeks'!

I know exactly what your saying :grin: My usual statment these days to my girlfriend ends in '..............and after this, thats all I'll need/be getting for at least 'X' months', she now just looks at me with an expression of pity & rolls her eyes, usually followed by the comment 'Yes Steven' haha.


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I do generally just remind the wife of the 9 industrial sewing machines she has in the spare room which far out-value to cost (so far) of my kit! I am catching her slowly though smile.gif

Ah, my girlfriends job is restoration work on medieval tapestries & the kit she has and the specialist wools etc she uses are very expensive, although she says the difference is she makes money out of it.......but thats not the point haha.

Apologies to the OP here for hijacking the thread, and congrats on the budget obs, very impressive.

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A good and inspiring post on many levels.

The kit can be very expensive (several decent cars' worth in some cases) but it does have high resale values as well.

Astronomy is rewarding, it inspires others and it doesn't wreck the environment. I say we keep it!!!


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I'd say, if there's a hobby that help preserve the environment it definitely is astronomy. Despite all the money poured into it, it's still worth the time and effort. Those who do not look up and admire the celestial beauty, for me, are a bit numbed and are likely the ones contributing the most to environmental damage.

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Ah, my girlfriends job is restoration work on medieval tapestries & the kit she has and the specialist wools etc she uses are very expensive, although she says the difference is she makes money out of it.......but thats not the point haha.

Apologies to the OP here for hijacking the thread, and congrats on the budget obs, very impressive.

Well, my friend, having explored the dark corners of the skies, you can always make me out of blackmailing some alien race. Hey, you pay or I tell where you are... :D

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I know exactly what your saying :grin: My usual statment these days to my girlfriend ends in '..............and after this, thats all I'll need/be getting for at least 'X' months', she now just looks at me with an expression of pity & rolls her eyes, usually followed by the comment 'Yes Steven' haha.


hahaha, i just dont tell her now. I did once try the "well you have £xxx of handbags you dont use" and that just resulted in no conjugal rights for a week and lots of dirty looks... so i wont try that one again and just accept the fact I am a terrible husband for wanting to spend money on me instead of her.

ps. the obsy sounds great! I'm just waiting for my daughter to decide she's to old for her wooden playhouse in the garden and i'm going to spring load the roof and turn it into the gayest bright pink obsy in the world. Suppose I my repaint it...

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ps. the obsy sounds great! I'm just waiting for my daughter to decide she's to old for her wooden playhouse in the garden and i'm going to spring load the roof and turn it into the gayest bright pink obsy in the world. Suppose I my repaint it...

I vote you leave it pink! Pink says "I'm an astronomer and proud"!

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I vote you leave it pink that would be hilarious and a great disguise for your telescope, no one would ever think it's an observatory and the perfect stealth from she who must be obeyed.

When a big box turned up with celestron on it I just said you've bought a new kitchen at £6k where as I'm contributing to humanity and science.

So she came for a look at Jupiter which is 400 million miles away, approx 38 minutes for the light to reach earth, surrounded by the four Galilean moons, a beautiful sight, her response "it's not to bad but it's a bit small". I just shook my head.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

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I vote you leave it pink that would be hilarious and a great disguise for your telescope, no one would ever think it's an observatory and the perfect stealth from she who must be obeyed.

Second this, no self respecting thief would ever be caught breaking in to a pink shed :D

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Second this, no self respecting thief would ever be caught breaking in to a pink shed :D

Fully agree. The self respecting bit is important as they all care about their image and reputation. Given this particularly esteemed view of their position in society they wouldn't risk the downgrade.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

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