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took my new dob 200p outside, cooled down for over an hour, could see orions belt in finder scope but nothing through main eyepiece surely the mirrors arent that out of sync, im aware i havent collinated it yet but surely i should see something?

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If you have the usual 10mm & 25mm eyepieces then use the 25mm one first. This will give you a wider view. So, unless you've left the cap on the telescope (we all do that at least once) then you should be able to see something.

Good luck :)

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Sounds very much like the scope and finder aren't aligned as tibbz2 said.

It's best to do this in the daylight - point the scope at a distant fixed object - power pylon, roof etc - then adjust the finder so that what you see in the scope is the same as the finder

Good luck

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hi mate im no expert but it could be that your finder scope isnt alligned. its not a problem, something u can do in daylight that will only take a few minutes. you will not be dissapointed with your new scope when u get up and running, kev

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As above perhaps the finder scope isnt aligned.

However also check that you haven't attached the 2" eyepiece adapter in as well. Just the 1.25" straight into the focuser drawtube part. Nothing inbetween.

Then check that the focuser isn't locked (big screw on the underside isnt really tight) however if the focuser tube is moving in and out dont worry about that.


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Take the lens cap off.... :tongue:

Lets assume the OP has done that out of courtesy.

It won't be a collimation problem - that will affect the sharpness of stars and the resolution but you would be able to see stars and the faint nebula around them even with a poorly collimated scope.

My guess is that the finder scope is not aligned with the main scope. It's a bit hazy here tonight and the nebula is far from it's best. It's possible that you may have seen it but expected more - it's nothing like the photos even when the skies are dark. Lowest magnification (25mm) is the one to go for but to try and align that finder scope.

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far from being an expert myself but does sound like the finder scope isnt lined up.

had the same problem myself first time out,then tried to line it up during daytime on a tree miles away which i did manage .

next attempt at night and i fiddle with the with both adjustment dials rather than the one that turns on the finder! doh!

moral is learn your scope i think.

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If you've 'scanned about' with the scope and not seen any thing then it smacks of a focus issue to me .

Try pointing in the general direction of Orions' Sword with the 25mm EP and then (a) check that the focus lock screw is loosened off , b turn the focus wheel fully in and the slowly out until something pops into focus.

If you get a crisp image you can then check the alignment of the finderscope on a bright star , Betelgeuse would be perfect as it's easily to spot.

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I wouldn't think it's a collimation issue, because even a badly collimated scope will show something. It could be that the finder scope is not properly aligned to the main scope,or the main scope is out of focus.

P.S.~~for anyone who laughs and says "is the dust cap off".........................dont.

Its a very easy mistake which i am sure most of us have made at least once. I've made that mistake 3 times.

If it has not already happened to you, just you wait..........................IT WILL.

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i had jupiter in the eyepiece but it looked terrible, sky has gone a bit rubbish at mo so left scope out and hoping it improves a bit

Did you try and focus it a bit better?

Are you using the 1.25" adapter for the eyepiece/focuser?

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yes i believe so, according to weather forecast should be clear skies at 10pm so will have to try again then

Ah okay, the most likely thing disrupting the view must have been the clouds then. Even though it's clear here there are a lot of big contrails today! They don't help with the viewing either...

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