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NEQ6 Pro SyncTrek vs. NEQ6 Syncscan Pro Goto


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So, is it only the handset that's different? If I get the NEQ6 Synctrek, will I be able to use the laptop to get the telescope to move to a certain target? Basically, use the laptop to replace the goto handset (which unjustifiably adds £100 to the price).

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So, is it only the handset that's different? If I get the NEQ6 Synctrek, will I be able to use the laptop to get the telescope to move to a certain target? Basically, use the laptop to replace the goto handset (which unjustifiably adds £100 to the price).

Yes, that's correct - the only difference is the Pro Goto comes with a synscan handcontroller. If you buy the syntrek you can later upgrade to "Pro Goto" spec by simply purchasing a handcontroller.

If you wish drive a Syntrek mount from a PC then you would need to use the EQMOD ASCOM driver and a mount interface device called an EQDIRECT - see the EQMOD Project Website for details. Please note that EQMOD/EQDIRECT are not skywatcher approved products and you use them entirely at your own risk (many thousands do).


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Be justifiable or not, my point is that is it worth the investment. My plan is to have a set-up outside in the garden and I'm sitting inside on my laptop controlling my scope and doing the imaging - I assume I can always find an extension cable for the handset. It's RJ-9, I assume? The modding seems like a lot of hassle... :(

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A friend was advised by the Celestron importer that the cost of a handset at the factory gate was peanuts - I think about £12 a few years ago, so the 'unjustifiable' epthet might have something going for it?


Exactly - an electronic circuit this size and functionality shouldn't cost that much. You can get a PC powerful mini processor with much less money - bearing in mind it is more complex than the handset.

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You need the HitecAstro Adaptor to plug. Plug one end into the USB, the other into the mount


Since I got my EQ6 Synscan I have never plug the handset in. I got it as I was buying a 2nd hand EQ6 Synscan. If I was buying new I would go for the SynTek and just use the notebook to control everything.

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I went through this a few month ago. I used Ascom/EQmod on my HEQ5 for imaging and sold it for a NEQ6. I could not make my mind up whether to go for the pro version (with the handset) or not. In the end, I did for the sake of £100 and I am glad I did. Sometimes the alignment rigmarole is just too much of a faff if all you want to do is observe Jupiter or the moon or a bit of stargazing with the scope/mount. All that mucking about with aligning is great for imaging but for a quick visual session? Handset all the way....

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Sometimes the alignment rigmarole is just too much of a faff if all you want to do is observe Jupiter or the moon or a bit of stargazing with the scope/mount. All that mucking about with aligning is great for imaging but for a quick visual session? Handset all the way....

I don't get the rigmarole, faff and mucking about comments at all. Whether you use EQMOD or the handset makes no absolutely no difference. With either you can always skip alignment and manually slew to jupiter and start tracking - if that's what you want.


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Exactly - an electronic circuit this size and functionality shouldn't cost that much. You can get a PC powerful mini processor with much less money - bearing in mind it is more complex than the handset.

Then buy yourself a PC and write your own controller - oh that's what we did with EQMOD. That synta don't sell their goods at cost price is surely no surprise. You're not paying for the hardware, you're paying for the fact that astronomy is a niche hobby.


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Then buy yourself a PC and write your own controller - oh that's what we did with EQMOD. That synta don't sell their goods at cost price is surely no surprise. You're not paying for the hardware, you're paying for the fact that astronomy is a niche hobby.


Well, I'm glad you vented it all out. But sorry, who's criticizing EQMOD here? On the contrary, I haven't paid anything to it by praise. And, buddy, you might find it difficult to believe, some of us here are capable of programming :)

Yes, niche hobby and selective costs, I have to agree.

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Well, I'm glad you vented it all out. But sorry, who's criticizing EQMOD here? On the contrary, I haven't paid anything to it by praise. And, buddy, you might find it difficult to believe, some of us here are capable of programming :)

Yes, niche hobby and selective costs, I have to agree.

Despite what you may have read into my short post I was not venting anything, responding to EQMOD criticism or indeed questioning anyones abilities. I was just offering an explanation as to why the handcontroller costs what it does, agreeing with you that cheaper options are possible for those motivated to persue them and stating that there already is one such solution available. I have great respect for the abilities of others and fully support the efforts of those actively developing their own innovative solutions for the benefit of the wider community.


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