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Rossette Neubla 16 Feb with new IDAS LP


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At long last was able to test my IDAS LP filter last night. Image is with ED80 and 0.8 FR/FF and is made of 7 x 300s lights, 9 darks and 10 flats and BIAS on my 450d guided. Image is the complete captured field - I have not cropped it at all.

Very pleased with it and I must say the filter makes the world of difference - thanks to Steppenwolf for guiding me here. Very expensive but well worth it.

Would loved more data but with the weather being what it is of late...

Critiques, suggestions and advice most welcome. No vignette I can see to my beginner level but appreciate a steer on this please.

Rgds, Steve


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I don't know why you say you're a beginner ! That is a great DSLR image.

Nice outer stars and good dust detail. If pushed I would say the larger stars want holding back a touch.

I wish I could capture beginner images like that with a DSLR.

If you want to check for vignetting do an agressive stretch and look again in the corners. Looks fine to me,


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Thanks for your words of encouragement :)

Something else I did for the first time last night was to use AstroTortilla to center the subject bang on center of the DLSR sensor. The result speaks for itself - bulls-eye centered - and I take no credit for that at all - the software did it!!!

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Love this Steve, am I right in saying your 450D is modded?

Very nice image.


Hi Rob, yes it is modded mate. I bought it ready done second hand and it can achieve autofocus in the day too so I believe it must have that Baader clear type filter in there. I would like a Atik and filter wheel etc but I cannot justify £1600 odd just yet and I'd never get it past my wife. One day maybe :)


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A good one and more proof that these LP filters work quite well.

I have got the Astronomik CLS EOS clip filter and wouldn't be able to do any imaging at home without one. Expensive as you say but cheaper than driving out to a site multiple times only for the cloud to come in. I can now save petrol and only go off when I believe that the weather may actually stay clear but practice at home when there is a chance it may be okay.

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