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accidental damage


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I hope you can offer advice. My Tal 100 rs, which I have had outside once since I bought it on the 23dec has suffered damage. The whole thing fell over, hit the dining table & landed on the floor. There is a dent in the telescope tube about 9"from the objective, I have had it outside this morning & aligned the scope with the finder, the optics seem ok. Is it likely to have caused any serious damage? If anyone can advise I would be gratefull.

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Graham, all I can offer is check it out at night and if all appears okay then you have got away with it. The same happened to my 6" SCT, fell off the mount onto the concrete, carried it inside and gave it a once over, dents and scratches. After a cleaning I like you left it till the next morning and done a check and everything appeared okay, done a check that night and all was well, focusing and handling were normal.


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Glad to hear that! Thats not somerthing you'll do twice (fingers crossed). The 100rs is a pretty robust beast, though, and the odd scratch or knock on the tube just adds character and a tale to tell ;). Mine has had a couple of near misses and got some scratches and the odd ding to show for it, but so far the optics have survived intact.

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Thanks for all your observations, your right about the dent bothering me, sad isn't it but I had actually thought about contacting a car repair shop, incidentally I got my 7x56 binod out tonight fabulous sky. I tried to find M35 in gemini, I have had several goes at it with no luck. is it me of is it hard to locate.

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