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Stargazing whilst driving.

Fordos Moon

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Does anyone else find themselves looking up at the sky while driving to and from work? A number of times I am checking out the moon, wondering where Saturn would be behind the clouds and stuff. I should stop it but I can't help it.

Or is it just me?

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Eh.....I do this as well. I do obviously, as do you, I imagine, move my line of sight from the road to the sky AND BACK AGAIN. I look up while driving to determine if I'm gonna get an opportunity to observe. In other words, I don't look up gazing at a blanket of clouds!!

It was while doing this I saw my second Sun Dog, beautiful.


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I've occasionally feel the need to glance up but annoyed when the roof line of my car spoils the view ;)

Betta make sure my next car doesn't have a panoramic roof otherwise ill be driving everywhere with my seat reclined on my back.

Only joking of course ;)

Hmm or am I :blink:


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I must admit one of the best views of the Leonids was driving around the M25 at 3 in the morning after arriving back in the Uk after a holiday in Sri Lanka

Pretty hard to concentrate on driving when you have a widescreen view of a first class meteor shower

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Does anyone else find themselves looking up at the sky while driving to and from work?

Humph...I travel to and from work on the Tube, no chance of seeing stars, unless I don't watch where I'm going. :eek:

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I got some really good views of Hale Bopp on the road from Devizes to the A4. Pulled off and stopped to enjoy it more.

Also stopping at a field entrance near Shalbourne, much better with the headlights off.

Never got to the point of carrying a scope though, maybe I should have.


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