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Dob 300P: Goto or not?

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Can't make my mind up!

Had Goto on my CPC1100 which I have sold on. Its a cool technology alright but I got a bit bored just pressing buttons.... But not really practical to use manual on a CPC1100 because of the very small field of view whereas on the Skyliners there appears to be with the dual encoders so you can use Goto or manual.....

So I am in a quandary. I want to get a 300P (I think) but can't make my mind up goto or not. If I go without would I miss the Goto function do you think? Then again, I like starsearching manually as well! Goto one is another £450 more.... Then again, £450 if its a killer feature over the life of the scope? Not that much in the great scheme of things and lets face it, could get hit by a bus tomorrow!

Hmmm... and around the circle I go again! :) This will be first ever dob. Part of me thinks buy a smaller manual one as well and see if I get on with them.

Appreciate your thoughts please folks.

Cheers, Steve

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I think you may appreciate the GOTO having had it on your CPC. I had an 8" Dob [manual] before getting my CPC and didn't get on with it. I spent more time messing about than actually looking at things.

Maybe I should have persevered but I sold it on pretty quick.

I am thinking of getting a bigger Dob one day, 16" would be great, with goto and truss rods for portability.

You could always turn off the goto for a bit of fun.

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i have had both, goto dob and manual dob [200mm goto and 250 non goto ], i did prefer the goto but tbh i now prefer working out what i am looking for , where it is and how to get to it myself . the first time i found the ring nebula , folowed by m56, m29 and then the dumbell nebula all by my own studyin of star maps/stellarium i found it to be a bigger thrill than just pressing a button and waiting for the scope to find it for me .

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My own personal preference would be to get a 350 dob without the GOTO, or spend the £450 on eps, or save the £450. That's because the biggest part for me is finding DSO's. I do really miss tracking when looking at planets though. Sorry, this probably doesn't help!

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To be honest I doubt that I'd still be interested in astronomy if I'd bought a goto dob, I find that the satisfaction of locating an object by myself is the best part of the hobby! The joy of a basic manual dob is that it is so elegant while being incredibly simple. Ultimately it's down to preference, my vote going to manual. (Also saving £450 wouldn't hurt :grin:)

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I also enjoy the freedom associated with handling a simple dobsonian (something I am still fairly new to as well). I find it quite liberating to just manually slew it around with ease, using your own judgement as to where to try and aim for next.

The amount saved was also a factor, enabling me to budget for a few upgrades and extras such as an O-III filter.

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To echo a few of the posts above, there is certain satisfaction in finding things through my own efforts and a bit of luck thrown in, HOWEVER.... a couple of our group have the SW300 goto Dobs and they are fantastic pieces of kit, which if I was upgrading, would be my 1st choice.

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