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A couple with the Toucam Tal 200K

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Its luck mate. Seriously though, if you pick a frame for alignment that's got sort of average wobble from the seeing, then Registax can pick frames either side of the wobble and succesfully stack them giving a nice image. If your chosen frame is at one extreme of the wobble, then it'll only pick extremely wobbled frames to stack. That's my theory anyway. As I said in the original post, I did enough shots for a full mosaic and only these two worked. Its very much the luck of the draw I'm afraid, I have no secret techniques. Every now and then you'll watch the stacking finish and think "wow! Did I do that?". Its rare, but it happens.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Whats your secret KK? I captured 2600 frames with my 'astrocam' and hand picked the best frames to stack. It came out nothing like any of yours!


(click to enlarge)

It's a pretty sharp looking image Craig, those craters are really well defined. It's just the odd colour, like you spilled Ink over it.

You will get it sussed , it is just a matter of time and the bit of luck KK referred to.

Ron. :smiley:

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Thanks for the nice comments folks, it was nice to be able to post something for a change.

I was hoping you were going to blitz us with Fusion images, but maybe later Heh?

Ron. :smiley:

ASAP Ron. The cloud here has been awful for ages now, and if that goes, the fog arrives as the air cools. I just had the one session to get the Fusion test done and the Toucam bit. I would have done a Fusion mosiac, but the file sizes are HUGE!!! 700MB for a one minute AVI? And then 40 ish of them as a mosaic? It'll probably have to do hi-res shots of lunar favourites like Rupes Recta, rilles and valleys as and when possible.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Can't wait for them KK, but going to have to. Weather outlook is pathetic. Strong winds forecast for up here in Cumbria. I have just fitted the wheels on my runoff, which has lifted the roof about 4 inches. I have rigged some protection to stop the wind getting inside. Also put some bracketing between roof and walls to anchor it against uplift. Should/Hope Be OK. Hope to get it sorted properly tomorrow.

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Yes, I shall probably adopt that method KK. What I have rigged up at the mo. is only temporary until I have fully modified the project.

Everything is going well, and I hope to have it finished quite soon. Then the all the important stuff can be installed, the blue touch paper lit and off we jolly well go. I am under no illusions mind you, whilst I am getting a bit excited about the next few weeks, there is the realisation that it is not going to be easy peasy. However, there's plenty of answers to any questions I will have available right here on this forum.

In fact I may even become a bleddy pest for a while :smiley:



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