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TAL-ly HO!

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Well after reading Grendel's post in this thread on the Cloudy Nights forum, I found my finger pressing the Buy It Now button without my brain sending the information to it ... help :eek:

Ironically, the discussion about how to get it past the wife is also fairly, ahem, relevant! :eek::eek:


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Well, budgeting isn't my strong point, but I will be pumping (diverting) funds into some eyepieces later on. Unless my OH decides instead put it into rehabilitation!

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Hi John,

Yes they are singing my name sweetly! I'm checking through a lot of info about different EPs and am going to certainly get more hands-on experience with those that the local astronomy group have. But I think some of those volcano top circle T orthos (like the 12.5 mm) will definitely be in my arsenal.

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Wonderful tiny scopes. Perfect for youngsters as they are unbreakable. I can remember when a relatives wee one, pushed it over and I'm sure I heard the ground yelp.

Last time Mars was close, I got as good a view as through my superb Carton 60/1000. Had them side by side and could see the polar cap and surface markings. A true joy on the moon.

Put it together in the house, grab it by the pillar and go. Quality !!

Don't use the solar eyepiece filter though !!

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I am eager to report back when I have mine up and running but not ever having got my hands on a Crayford (or any type of focusser) I can't help.

Can anyone upload a close-up of the Crayford and the part which actually draws the tube through. Sounds like a misalignment.

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Graham - I know this may sound drastic, but I'd consider taking the drawtube part of the focuser out and have a good look at the 4 small bearings. I have heard of a user who had a bearing that had shattered, believe it or not !! He had similar problems to you before he did that.

It's honestly very, very simple to do. Crayfords are a remarakably straight forward design.

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Remove both the small thumbscrews from underneath. The lock screw and the tension screw. Next look at the focuser hand wheels. There should be a small grubscrew that attaches it to the 4mm(?) diameter drive shaft. Remove that and the wheel. There may be a spacer also. Pull the shaft out using the other wheel. The drawtube should now slip out.

Have a good look at the 4 bearings and make sure they run smoothly. Clean all surfaces, including bearings, drawtube and the long stainless steel driveshaft.

Put it all back together again.

If it's still not working very well, then I'd hazzard a guess that it must have something to do with the tension screw. I don't have a Tal crayford, but I've seen one in bits, so I think the internals are the same as on my GSO made one. The tension screw pushes on a plate which in turn pushes the driveshaft further up and more in contact with the flat surface of the drawtube.

I'll have a hunt and try n find those pics.

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