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First light on the big chip.


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Very much a shake down and lots to do but here are some test shots. I've no filterwheel yet (out of stock) so I put an L filter in a nosepiece and stacked two push fit extenders together to come to focus, making tilt inevitable.

The camera is also producing some banding which Atik are going to look at on Monday. A pest but it will be sorted.

However, a few 5 min subs calibrated by a master bias and flats gave this. (I didn't do any 5 min darks because I don't use 5 min subs 'for real.')

Here's the 'One Shot Mosaic' mode, showing the FOV at 450mm. (Tak FSQ85, Atik 11000 mono);


And when you close in there's a remarkable amount of detail. You keep hitting Ctrl+ in Photoshop forever to get to full size!


The chip's diagonal is 1.25mm larger than the BabyQ's image circle but I'm thinking that edge losses always occur in imaging and that in reality there won't be any additional cropping. Although there's vignetting using a nosepiece with the filter too far forward it still lies within the range of flats to correct easily, so with filterwheel and screw fit we'll be laughing. I also hope that the big semicurcular reflection (from Alnitak or Alnilam?) will be a product of the silly position of the filter a long way from the chip.

Whenever you push hard with kit, going for the ultra fast f ratios or the ultra large chips, etc, you have to have everything 'righter' than with more conservative setups but this looks doable to me.

Steve was dead right in suggesting, in his review, that this camera would go nicely in the back of an Officina Stellare Veloce Astrograph. Unfortunately, in an uncharacteristically foolish moment, he gave it back to the supplier instead of putting it in his little yellow racing car and tearing down here with it.... :rolleyes:


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Olly just out of interest, have you tried taking a few pics without the filter in place? That circular pattern looks like a circular diffraction pattern. The pic is a little small and difficult to see it correctly. I have always had and with my current project am having flaring from bright stars when they are just out of the fov. I wondered was it the Scopes with baffling or just the petzval design, or could it be the cameras? Maybe the lensesing on the pixels with this chip are the issue. Just some more musings from me.


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Unfortunately, in an uncharacteristically foolish moment, he gave it back to the supplier instead of putting it in his little yellow racing car and tearing down here with it.... :rolleyes:

I still wonder why I allowed that to happen, Olly, It would have fitted nicely on the passenger seat too .....

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Hummph, you have done in one frame and a"few 5 mins" shots what took me 6 weeks and 6 panels of mosaic to do. Can you please post no more images from this scope/camera combination please. :tongue:

For a pleasant consideration in used banknotes I'll refrain from posting anything using the focal reducer.... :grin:


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That's certainly an excellent start Olly :) That camera definitely has higher resolution than my 1100D DSLR :D That is particularly noticeable with the Horse's Head where I'm only using every 4th pixel for the hydrogen cloud.

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Wow Olly that's one hell of a FOV. What does that equate too in £'s per pixel. Heh, Heh, Heh.

Can't wait to see the roll out of breathtaking images it will produce.



:grin: :grin:

Good News Bad News.

Good news, pixels are dirt cheap, about 0.04 pence a throw.

Bad news, there are 11 million of them...


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