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Eta Carinae HA


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Im hoping this is the start of a try colour image with ha, oll and sll but ill have to do the others another night as clouds rolled in.

Its also the first test with my atik 383l+ mono on my Canon 400mm f5.6L lens. Im very impressed with the res and detail the combo gives. The stars are great as long as the focus is 100% bang on.

12x5min + flats but no other calibration frames.

Baader 7nm Ha 1.25in filter

Ts filter drawer

Canon 400mm f5.6L lens @f5.6

Atik 383L+ mono @ -20degC

Celestron CGE mount

Stacked In DSS, processed in PixInsight.

Full sized image here



Eta Carinae ha by meg rac, on Flickr

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This is a spectacular image, thanks for sharing. May be you can push this constellation to the north for us to image;)

Should be great with colours.


Haha yeah i'll trade you for a few of your galaxies but no less than 5 for this nebula.

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Excellent shot, pin sharp to the edges from I can see.

Out of interest what adaptor did you use to connect the Canon Lens to the 383L+, I'm planning on doing something similar with my 383L+ and a 300mm lens.


Here's a thread with photos of my setup. I made the Canon lens to m42 adaptor myself as getting one in was going to be too costy for what it was.


I just copied the spacing and size off this one, 12mm thick. The best news is with the TS filter drawer you can go right down to f2.8 and still use 1.25in filters with the kaf-8300 chip and get very little to no vignetting! I was lucky cause i had already ordered a full set of 1.25in filter in hope of it working.


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