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10.12.12 quick report.


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got out about 19.30hrs tonight with the aim of sketching a couple of messiers. i thought id go for the big open clusters in auriga. first stop was m37. a mass of stars, i forgot how gobsmacking an object this is. after sitting looking at it for a few minutes i decided against sketching that particular cluster for now as its so complicated. its like a loose globular its so packed.

a short trip up to m36 . another great cluster, i pulled a shape of a stick insect out of the stars (strange what you see ). a mere nudge and a smudge appeared. turns out it was ngc1931. at x100 i could not break into its individual stars, but neblousity was obvious. m38. had time to sketch this one out ,another fabulous cluster well worth visiting,and just out of view at x100 was ngc1907. a small fuzzy blob at low power, at x100 still quite fuzzy,but a couple of stars visible.

finished with a look at m78. very faint in the l/p sky ,but at x66 with abit of patience some neblousity was seen with two stars within . like to get this on a dark night/location.

cold/tired,thats my report is pretty non descriped,sorry.

clear skies...

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Cheers rory, sounds like a good run. I still need to get to 'the trio' but with a S facing garden these are still a little close to the neighbouring houses, being about due E I think. Something to look forward to In the new year :)

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Nice report Rory. There are some very nice objects near the famous trio of Messiers in Auriga. I got NGC 1907 along with NGC 1893, IC 405 (Flaming Star) and IC 410 (surrounding NGC 1893) last year around this time. Haven't spotted NGC 1931 yet. Must give it a go one of these days.

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