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First light on the Horse.


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This was a first in many ways, it was the first time I've used my home made obsy, the first time I've used my Celestron ED80, and the First time I've used a CLS-CCD clip filter (which I think has made a big difference with my skies! :)

I had many issues for first light in the obsy last night and normally I would have given up but I wanted to dedicate first light in my obsy to Sir Patrick Moore on the day of his passing.

By the end of the night after mount issues, passing clouds, and not being able to find the Rosette with my useless 30mm finder I swung the scope round to the Horse and flame. I only managed 12 x 2 minute subs, no flats or darks either but I'm quite pleased with whats come out of just 24 minutes worth of data:)

Stacked in DSS and levels and curves and hot pixel removal in PS (I've started getting quite a lot of red, green, blue pixels appearing on my images, I hope my cameras not on its way out! :( )


RIP amongst the stars Sir Patrick:)


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Boo !! I hate this.

I was on form for getting my first real crack at the horsehead last light and then I screwed everything up by sending my mount into a meridian flip. Too many probs to get back on track so I gave up. Now all I see is pics of tthe horse to remind me of my loss.

Well done Starfox, its a grand first effort and a lot grander than i nearly got. :smiley:

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Boo !! I hate this.

I was on form for getting my first real crack at the horsehead last light and then I screwed everything up by sending my mount into a meridian flip. Too many probs to get back on track so I gave up. Now all I see is pics of tthe horse to remind me of my loss.

Well done Starfox, its a grand first effort and a lot grander than i nearly got. :smiley:

Thanks:) and I know how you feel, once you get it in you head to do something defeat can be hard to swallow. I resolved one of my problems last night by using a large hacksaw so I definately had my fair share of issues as well:D

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Great shot Chris :) Particularly good for the small amount of data. Worth another go I think with a longer run. Nice tribute to Sir Patrick anyway :)

Thank you:) yes I'm really surprised for 24 minutes, I've made it look a bit soft focus using noise reduction tools but apart from that I think its alright:) I will give it more time at some point I just really wan't to make the rosette my project for this year, I just need to find it on my DSLR screen first, I have half the mind to throw the 30mm finder in the bin as well:D

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Good detail for only 24 mins data. Hope the camera keeps on going!

Thank you:) Me also, I'm not sure what it means if you get about 50 red, green, and blue dots on the image? hopefully my sensor isn't about to pack up:(

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I got 45 mins of data from this last night as well Chris. Your and my photons must have held hands all that way from the horse and departed company just before hitting my and your sensors :)

I will process and post here tomorrow.

I'll look out for your version, nicely put:)

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