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Skywatcher explorer 6" or 8" ?


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The 6in skywatcher explorer with some good eyepieces?


The 8in skywatcher?

Bascially I'm asking you lot to make my mind up for me.... :clouds2:, (don't worry I won't hold anyone responsible if it all goes pair shaped..... :clouds2:  I shall be taking the plunge tomorrow and purchasing a scope, so tomorrow is D-Day. :?

Please don't throw spanners into the works by suggesting anything else, its one or the other..... :clouds2:

I'll be glad when this is all done and dusted, I'm having sleepless nights...... :clouds2:

Caz  :sunny:

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Either of these are fine scopes. A friend of mine has the 6". I have looked through it, and it is very good, but for the slight difference in price, I would get the 8", just because. The 8" gathers almost twice as much light as the 6", which is about a magnitude, and is still light enough to move and set up easily. I keep up my subscription to SkyNews magazine because they put your name into a draw for an 8" SkyWatcher. I check the mailbox every day, but sadly, they haven't sent it yet. :clouds2:

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I'm more into imaging now - can't remember the last time I looked through the EP! Seriously!!!

So the plan is to have the 80mm F11 and the 80mm F6 mounted next to each other and then guide through one and image through the other.

So get rid of the 8" F/5 with fantastic crayford focuser (I'm shameless :clouds2: ) and buy the Antares 80mm.


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Well I think your both kidding yourselves....... :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2:

You maybe right there matey :clouds2:

But like Ant, I suppose i'm aiming for an imaging setup really. But unlike Ant I still have an interest in the planets and that's what worries me about selling the C8.


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Yes you can Gaz :clouds2:

But I honestly can't see it happening. If I had a permanent setup in a shed or something then I would even consider this swap but alas I haven't so I am!

I've got the 80mm F11 for the planets - should give views *Almost* as good as the 8" F/5


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