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Calcium K fest 10th Nov


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Had a very happy day studying Calcium K with the PST and DMK41 camera.


2012-11-10 12-54-18 f colour by Alexandra's Astronomy, on Flickr


2012-11-10 CaK by Alexandra's Astronomy, on Flickr


2012-11-10 CaK f colour by Alexandra's Astronomy, on Flickr

and some wonderful Ellerman bombs in AR11610


2012-11-10 Ellerman bombs by Alexandra's Astronomy, on Flickr

Ellerman bombs at first seen at 3,5 and 7 O'clock, then in the second shot 3 and 5 have gone but a new one appears at 2 O'Clock.



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Nice article you wrote there, very informative.

Can you see Ellerman bombs in Ha? My full disc images shows a small black spot in the 3 o'clock position, taken at 12: 14 but the close up taken at 12:40 doesn't show it. Of course it might be just different processing or a Registax artefact.

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Hi Robin, yes, the most typical place to see an Ellerman bomb is actually in hydrogen alpha but they are very rarely seen on the centreline. You need to be looking in the far wings (either red or blue) and they appear as white spots that come and go in around 10 minutes. This is why CaK is good as it overlaps the far wings of Ha a little. If you saw a dark spot then this fits the theory that the 3 O'clock spot is an arch filament footpoint, these look very similar to the Ellerman bombs but do not disappear but stay the same. My 3 O'clock spot never moves, but I didn't have an Halpha comparison, but you have probably solved this :)


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A very interesting write-up, Alexandra. Every time I find out something new about the Sun I discover there's even more that I don't know :) Credit to you (and the others involved) for putting it together.


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Thanks Peter and Alexandra. Looks like it wasn't an Ellerman Bomb I saw as it was black. Funny, when I didn't even know what they were I wasn't really bothered, now that I nearly caught one and didn't they are going to be on my hit list for the future.

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