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See The Stars At Garwnant


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The stars will be out at Garwnant later this month - no, not Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, but Sirius and Aldebaran!

Visitors will have an opportunity to see real stars at a major star gazing event at Forestry Commission Wales’s Garwnant Visitor Centre, near Merthyr Tydfil, on Saturday, November 17.

“We’re holding this event to promote dark sky awareness,” said Dark Sky Wales manager Allan Trow.

“We’re hoping to have a range of telescopes available for visitors to gaze at the planets and exciting deep sky objects like galaxies and nebulae.”

Dark Sky Wales educates the public about light pollution and its effects. As part of this role, it offers activities that allow people to look at the night sky with the help of skilled observers to demonstrate the wonder and beauty of the night sky that is being lost to light pollution.

Could be worth a look to our South Wales SGL'rs?

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This clashes with our montly meeting ay Blaenavon on the 17th. If our meeting is going to cause problems for those wishing to attend at Merthyr. Then it will not be a problem to cancel our monthly.

I can try and contact them and offer our services with our telescopes.

That way we get to have a meeting and also will be able to encouarge more people to take up Astronomy.


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Here is a copy of a email I have just sent to the Organisers of this event.

Which is Darkskywales.org

I know some of you would want to go to this but turning up uninvited with our scopes is a bit naughty, so I have written offering our services as a group and am waiting a reply.

Dear Sir

I refer to the event being held at Garwnant on the 17th November see

link http://www.forestry.gov.uk/news1/54459C92C9B6045180257AAD0039C6D5

I am the leader of a small group of astromers here in the South Wales

Area. We are all members of a Astronomy Forum on the Internet called

Star Gazing Lounge.

We hold meetings of the group about once a month and have one arranged

for the 17th November at Blaenavon.

I and some of our members would like to offer our services to you for

the event you are organising . We have a range of Telescopes all

privatly owned and would be more than happy to allow members of the

public to view our Solar system and DSO objects with them.

yours sincerely

Pat Farrell

I will post a reply as soon as I have it.

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Here is a copy of a email I have just sent to the Organisers of this event.

Which is Darkskywales.org

I know some of you would want to go to this but turning up uninvited with our scopes is a bit naughty, so I have written offering our services as a group and am waiting a reply.

Dear Sir

I refer to the event being held at Garwnant on the 17th November see

link http://www.forestry....0257AAD0039C6D5

I am the leader of a small group of astromers here in the South Wales

Area. We are all members of a Astronomy Forum on the Internet called

Star Gazing Lounge.

We hold meetings of the group about once a month and have one arranged

for the 17th November at Blaenavon.

I and some of our members would like to offer our services to you for

the event you are organising . We have a range of Telescopes all

privatly owned and would be more than happy to allow members of the

public to view our Solar system and DSO objects with them.

yours sincerely

Pat Farrell

I will post a reply as soon as I have it.

Good one. I will probably be in touch with Dark Sky Wales seperately as we are hoping to organize some Dark Skies events in Mid Wales next year. Funny thing is I had never heard of them till I got my weekly news letter from the Forestry Commision.

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I'm up for it! Its still astronomy and I think it would be great to show peopel what they are missing.

(It will also give me a chance to use my Dob under darker skies!)

P.S I can type this during School time because I am using a school computer and it's lunch time!

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I have received a reply from the a gentleman called Allan Trow of the Dark Sky Society and he has welcomed our involment with their meeting at Garwnant.

I would hope that we can make a bit of a contribution to this event, to help promote dark skys and to expand the astronomy.

I am looking for Volunteers to join with me at this event.

The planned meeting at Blaenavon is still ON, but I am giving Garwnant my priority.

I am going to open a separete blog for this event.


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If you get good weather the skies from Garwent will be dark, .though horizon will be limited due to trees.

I hope they manage the lights from the buildings as that might spoil it a bit. but you always get this at public events in some sort of way. if you have never done this public sessions before have a tip tip a set of steps so people use.

the Public love the brighter stuff as they cant always see what an astronomer can when it comes to the fuzzies any way unless the object is showing well such as M31 or even M57 etc even then some struggle

Give my regards to Alan Trow, i done one of Dark sky Wales events down at the national botanical gardens carmarthern with them a few years back. he does a well run event and the planetarium is really good i have attached an image i took when i was with them as Alan was giving the system a dry run prior to the public arriving for the first show.


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