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a meet but not obvserving?


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hey guys

iv been contemplating this for a while, i mentioned it i think a long while ago back in the old part of the forum but i thought id mention it again

whats every ones views on a meet but one not predomanatly for observing? obviously i'll let people put down suggestions for this but i was thinking with the idea of a "society" one where we meet up, talk about astronomy, maybe involving a few drinks, talks between us (we are bound to have a few members who prefer to "specilise" in certain areas which the rest could learn from, visual, DIY, imaging, history ect)

for the next few months im having to work 7 days a week because of a probation on my new job/apprenticship so theres no hope what so ever of coming to an observing meeting and theres bound a few in a similar suituation and i thought it might be good for a "different" idea . obviously if the weather is good on the night then observing takes hold, but when its raining or cloudy maybe somthing we can do as a group?

put down your thoughts suggestions or anything! we are such a big active group now

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Not a bad idea Gaz.

A local Society has an Observers Club meeting once a month at a pub near one of their observing sites. Usually people new to astronomy, or interested in the society show up to ask questions, get advice on setting up their scopes, and or to meet others with like minded observing interests.

The nice part about the site being nearby, is that people may decide there may be a chance to do some observing, possibly with others after the meeting, and therefore be more likely to attend.

I think having the proper venue, with a quiet area off to the side would be preferable to being in a noisey part of pub bar or lounge. My hearing is not the greatest, and with background noise i'm at a total loss even if someone is yelling in my ear; wish I could lip read a Welsh accent. :smiley: I've also noticed that people with young interested kids don't seem to care for meetings in a bar. :embarassed:

Next time I head up to the Blaenavon site, i'll check out a nearby pub/restaraunt i've seen nearby; it might be a good place ?

Anyway, i'm sure any place we decide to patronise would be glad for the business.

Just my two cents.


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I have to admit I'm not so sure about this gaz, for a start virtually everyone has to drive so that's the drinking out of the window and the group meets when we observe seem to cover most of the other bases and now hopefully an annual Swales group star party as well. Just my two bobs worth but I'm up for the occasional get together if you do get it together but just think the driving precludes the pub idea especially when you consider the distances some have to travel. I'll keep an eye on the thread though to see what develops.

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thats some of the issues i have steve, the driving, where some say societys are people who live in the local area, our group litterly covers 50 or so square miles which is a massive distance, but one thing i have noticed is not every single person whos part of the group interacts at observing meetings, and as others have mentioned in the past, there is one society who most of its members are "arm chair" astronomers so maybe juggle it up to get more people involved

lol i dont know, for me the killers saturday nights. maybe in end of dec i'll be able to come to observing meetings, but till then i cant, and its a real shame and theres bound to be other people who work evenings in the weekend who cant actually come to observing nights, but who maybe able to come to mini nights in the week, or a pop out to a short gathering somewhere. i guess the 4 main societies in wales (usk+ ebbw, abergaveny, cardiff, swansea) do cater for these i guess, but its an idea, and if i get shot down fair enough lol

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Would be a good idea to have a meet, obs sessions can and will be cancelled at last moment where would be a central point, north of cardiff i would guess. Why not during the day on a Saturday especially over the winter months have a theme or maybe a project / projects. Hard to ask questions and show things when setting up and observing. Should be able to book a room somewhere and when possible go onto a obs session later.


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Don't think it needs to be shot down Gaz, but perhaps combined with a regular meet earlier in the evening.

The meeting could be informally held at a McDonalds, a Pizza place, an Asda coffee shop, etc.

It doesn't have to be at a pub.

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A nice idea Gaz, but like already stated drinking and driving is a no go for most of us. I find the montly meeting is usually more social than actul viewing anyway.


+1 for that Pat - I would guess only 20% of the time spent in Blaenavon is at your own scope if I'm honest which is part of the reason their so enjoyable of course.

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i don't drink alcohol when i go to the pub with the car (not even a half) have not done it for 25 years. I like my licence to much so i cant see why we could not meet in the pub my issue would be distance time and what days

but on a wider look at this

Other issue would be venue to hire a room will cost unless you choose to go n a bar then you have the noise factor i like mike have hearing issues and have stopped going to the CAS monthly observers club meeting as the venue is to small and when all the members turn up and then all the locals squeeze in it hurts my ears you go somewhere quiet and they put the music on you cant win. i was a part of the committee on CAS when they started their meeting and approached many places to get a space to meet in a room for hire was around £60 what if 5 people turn up !!!!!!! £12 each not viable. our first venue opened late for us but then when the taking were not what they expected they started to close earlier or not stay open at all. numbers varied from week to week and fluxed during the sessions in summer it was quiet in winter it got busier more questions etc in autumn and spring we had more chance to do observing and workshops for the public.

as you can see been here done these thing and have a few tea shirts now.

these meeting already happen in usk , abergavenny, cardiff, bridgend and swansea every month in some fashion

I know society's are not everyone's cup of tea but there are now 50+ members of this forum many of whom are members of societies and as mentioned earlier many society members are armchair astronomers and they will very rarely attend sessions. what is right for some is not for others i was wary at first but i joined in and got so much out of it i don't regret it at all.

most people who know me and there are a few of us that have crossed paths during my time with CAS will say how enthusiastic i was whilst i was doing my astronomy on a personal level and with CAS events. i will support most things but cant see the point in re inventing the wheel support what is already there. nothing wrong with them meets we already have and i will try and get to some more as i enjoyed the last one i attended immensely. though it quite funny to get out of the cat 30 miles from home on top of a dark mountain and still be recognized in the dark by people i only met once or twice

these monthly meeting for CAS were a great success pulling in new members every time we met so yes they work. but once again it was only the same few that helped out others sat back an watched every week.

abergavenny is a new and growing society last time i heard i know the heads of the valleys are active and always looking for new members Bridgend is a small and welcoming group always looking for new blood as they all are. CAS cover most things they meet for talks every other week meet for observing at least once a month (weather permitting) and meet once a month for a chin wag in a pub for astro chat , they observe if possible they are looking for volunteers who are willing to talk about asto to the public at public event. these 4 societies encompass all our areas

I personally think it is a good idea and grows on what astronomers have already got available to them now. No need to stop what we do now and no need NOT to have a meeting of the SGL s wales group just a matter of logistics that become apparent when looked at.

gong to bed now my brain hurts.

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  • 2 months later...

It's been a while but I can hire a room for £10 maybe less it's a study room with tea and coffee no parking problems and space outside to set up equipment. Always a problem! it's on the edge of Magor easy to reach from the motorway. They may ask on open days to put a little display on

What do you think? little if any cost and no commitment

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