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NGC 281 Pacman nebula in Ha and OIII


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This is a familiar emission nebula, in Cassiopia, with it's well known dust cloud forming the Pacman's mouth. Also visible are some smaller very dark dust areas known as Boc globules. These things are a bit mysterious but are thought to be some of the coldest places in the universe and the dust is particularly dense.

I've been battling with some weird dec guiding problems which only occur on one side of the meridian. All I know is that it isn't backlash! It is also at the limit of visibility for my site which has a lot of trees to the north.

Scope SW MN190

Camera QSI 532wsg

Filters Baader 1.25mm 7nm Ha and OIII

Each channel has 8x30min subs

Captured, calibrated and combined with Maxim. Finished in PS with OIII being allocated to the blue and green channels

I've got some SII data but need some more. Hopefully will manage this soon and be able to produce an HST version


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Beautifully delicate detail there, Martin. Really fine and precise.

I have had exactly the issue you describe (no dec guiding one side of the Meridian) with my own EM200. I'll PM you with the inconclusive recollections that I have on the matter.


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