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Full Moon 02


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No that's no mosaic, shot with the recent addition, 300D, thru the 80mm (F/11).I think it was ISO 200 AT 1/300sec.

I'm rather pleased with it.

Ta guys.

Hello Chubster, I remember reading your posts just b4 I intro'd myself. I've stil got last nights webcam stuff to look through and process.


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Thanks Jamie, looking at the 2nd one now I think I've over cooked it .So this am I've followed Trevboyd's eg and tried stacking the 300 D's in reg 4 and I feel this attempt is a little better, tell me what you think- I've really enjoyed this imaging, given me a real buzz!


(click to enlarge)


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My V polariser and the Baader Moon & skyglow are both 2" and I wasn't planning on imaging with the 80mm (1.25 fit) so in short no, no filter. I quite like this last one inspite of the lower contrast but it feels more natural to what was seen on the night. I'm still tinkering so we'll see. It's all very new to me. This has really been the 1st chance I've had. Shame the weather's turned carp 'cos I was hoping to try the same again but with the Cape- now I've the bits I need I've HIGH hopes !!


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it's always going to be subjective isn't it but I think this is the last one


(click to enlarge)

no I don't mind Jamie, in truth I had a few that looked a bit like that but I'm just going to have to be patient and let the natural detail come out in the waning moons. It's been a real learning curve though re processing.Quite confusing trying to keep track of them all.


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How did you do it Steve - was it the lab colour, luminence layer thing?

Yes, I just removed the colour fringe, switched to Lab colour and applied some local contrast enhancement. It lacks the fine control of curves but is quick and easy. The fringing is unusual in that it is yellow/green one side but blue(ish) the other...

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