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Mars 25th Sept '07


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:lol: - thanks everyone!

The magnification for a prime-focus system (or one with an extended focal length due to Powermates/Barlows etc. is given by dividing the effective focal length (in this case 19.25m) by 25mm. The magnification for this shot works out to be x770.

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(I think - didn't actually go to bed last night so my brain is away with the fairies!).

Ah sleep is for fairies 8) btw it's going to be clear tomorrow morning as well.....do you think you can manage two nights on the trot without sleep? :lol:

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I did try Rus but it was cloudy at 05:00 and 05:30 BST. Shame :lol:

Here's a final update on the image. This was done last night after a bit of a rest. The image is a bit sharper and that annoying limb artifact has been reduced in power somewhat. It's not totally gone but the result is better I think.


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I have that session imaged in IR as well but I've not had time to process the IR avi files yet.

Be interesting to see those too.

And yes i got up again this morning myself to find a cloudy sky. Went back to bed cursing Metcheck, especially as it was clear around midnight and i decided it was better to grab some sleep :lol:


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