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Soap Bubble nebula bi-colour


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Here is my second attempt with a bi-colour image, the soap bubble nebula. I tried to follow Cannistra's method, but still learning and didn't quite get the result I wanted. Probably need to reshoot it some night with longer subs and less wind as the heavy winds forced me to take short subs but I still had to throw away quite a bunch.

This area is as rich in Ha as it is deficient in OIII and the nebula became more visible when I desaturated the red.

The soap bubble is about 5ly in diameter with an apparent size of 260" and lies about 4000ly away in Cygnus.

Imaged with Orion AG12/Atik 460

Ha 28x4 min Bin2, OIII 43x4 min Bin2.



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Thanks for your kind comments. Yes, it is very weak, but it is a great help to have a F/3.8 photon bucket to work with.

I decided to crop it and tweak it (I hope!) a little before I move on to the next target.

Btw, does anybody know how I can publish a thumbnail and not only the large size?



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Thanks for the comment Olly.

The short subs are only due to the heavy wind gusts that night. I started out with longer subs but realized it wouldn't work, so I went for short subs and binned them. I remember I threw away about 30% of the OIII subs, probably a little less of the Ha. I would have liked to throw away even more but that wouldn't have left much signal.


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Thanks for the comment Olly.

The short subs are only due to the heavy wind gusts that night. I started out with longer subs but realized it wouldn't work, so I went for short subs and binned them. I remember I threw away about 30% of the OIII subs, probably a little less of the Ha. I would have liked to throw away even more but that wouldn't have left much signal.


Right, good thnking.


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