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Stacking solar and lunar images

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I started a thread related to this previously, but I've come to realise that the issues are a little broader so I thought I'd open it out a bit and perhaps we can gather some data on what works, what doesn't, and perhaps work out why.

I've taken a number of solar and lunar images recently and tried stacking them any number of different ways. Pretty much everything I have tried has failed though, with the single exception of taking the JPEG file produced by my 450D and using Registax (either v5 or v6, but v5 seems easier to use for solar at least). I've tried converting the RAW files to TIFF and PNG using ImageMagick, but either version of Registax just shows a blank display after "loading" the images. I've tried importing the TIFF files for a moon image into AutoStakkert 2, but even on my Core i3 laptop it was only 30% of the way through stacking nine or ten hours later and I really don't need to wait several days for an image to stack. I've also tried converting the RAW files to monochrome TIFF or PNG, but no dice their either.

In the case of the Sun, I have colour RAW files of about 11.5MB each. Converting them to colour TIFF pushes the filesize up to about 64MB. Monochrome TIFF files are 21.5MB. The JPEG files from the camera are 2.1MB. All image conversion is done with ImageMagick.

For the Moon, the RAW and JPEG files are about the same and the coiour and monochrome TIFF files are perhaps 1MB to 1.5MB bigger. Not entirely sure why that should be.

The RAW files are 16-bit colour, 4290x2856 whereas the JPEG files are 8-bit colour, 4272x2848. TIFF files, whether colour or greyscale, are the same depth and resolution as the RAW ones.

So what does, or doesn't, work for you?


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The only way I can get it to work is to stack the jpeg files. I've been thinking about it today and I reckon it must be something to do with the actual size of the image file. I might try converting the jpegs back to tiff and then try to stack the tiff files to see if it still barfs.


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I have found the same thing with Registax (v5 and v6) and have always managed to work with stacked JPEG's. I have used reduced size TIFF's with some success but as this defeats the object of using a full size TIFF I have just ambled along on JPEGS.

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I found Reg5 would take my CR.2 files from the 1000D but was dreadfully slow with them , all I do now is Batch convert them in the Canon DigitalPhotoProfessional software into 16bit TIFF's and use them.

It's never been problematic in either V5.1 or V6 , I use V5.1 myself as I'm still a little baffled by V6 .

Not sure as to why you're finding it a no-no ?

I've seen elsewhere people having similar problems with DSS not taking RAW files but again it's never not taken mine so I can only think the problem lies somewhere other than with DeepSkyStacker and Registax !


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I wonder if DPP does something different in the way it creates the TIFF files. I don't even have it installed, so I'll do that and give the conversion a try.

I've never had problems with DSS taking RAW files, though I know some people with newer cameras do because (I think) the file format has changed slightly.


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I convert raw files to TIFF with IrfanView. Regstax reads them nicely.

I also use the Batch conversion settings to cut out the unnecessary black space around the Sun/Moon and only leave about 100 pix either side of the disk. It's under the "Use advanced options" and then tick CROP and enter desired X- and Y-pos plus WIdth and Height. Speeds up Registax processing quite a lot.

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My problem is that Registax just can't process the RAW files, and nor (thus far) does it appear to handle TIFFs created from them. Steve creates his TIFFs a different way and they do work however, so I'm going to give that a whirl. Looks like it's a batch process in the Canon DPP software, so patience may not be tried too far :)


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Well, I've converted the files to 16-bit TIFF in DPP. They're larger than the ones I created with ImageMagick, but only by a small margin. Registax v5 gobbled them up and is currently stacking 80+ of them, no bother at all.

Clearly the method used to create the TIFF files (or their final format) makes a difference. Once Registax has finished doing its thing I'll see if I can work out what the difference is.


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Finally got Registax V6 to work. Like you, I converted my raws to 16-bit tiffs. I had been using 8-bit tiffs before. Maybe it makes a difference.

I only used 6 images but following the instructions in the link you gave me helped a lot. The resulting stacked image was not as sharp and detailed as the original pic I posted, ( it was somewhat softer ) but at least I got it to work.

You can batch crop in DPP as well James. It does not actually crop the original files, it just converts the area that you have selected. The original file stays intact. You can reduce the size of your files this way, to speed up processing.

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I have failed to stack large files with Regi. i think that it just runs out of memory (my 50D produces 18Mb files. So stacking 50 of those soon goobles up memory).

Last night I successfully stacked 80 TIFF files of 68MB+, despite failing to stack fewer smaller TIFF files previously. My gut feeling is that Registax has problems with certain TIFF file formats or something along those lines. Of course it may have issues when you go beyond certain file or image sizes as well...


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I am the OP :)

I couldn't get the TIFFs to stack when I converted them from RAW using ImageMagick. In fact they wouldn't even load reliably. But converting them using the Canon DPP package results in a slightly different TIFF file which does work. I'm trying to work out the difference at the moment.


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Well, one difference that stands out immediately is that the TIFF files produced by DPP are not compressed, whereas by default ImageMagick produces compressed files. I'll try getting it to produce uncompressed files from the RAW ones later today and see if those work. Perhaps it's the decompression that causes Registax to tie itself in knots.


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