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QHY-8 trio

Mike Hawtin

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Just finished processing three subjects taken during the week with my QHY-8 and Intane optical 60mm triplet @ F/4.8. I've had the scope since January (cheers Astropilch) and only just now got round to using it in earnest, I gotta say I am a bit besotted with the field size! The Ikharos reducer corrector gives reasonable star shapes up to a 3.5 degree field, not too shabby.

Images are all about 3 hours each with 300 sec subs preprocessed in DSS with 20 each flats and bias frames and finished off in Pixinsight.

Hope you like them.




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Nice shots - and great to see another QHY8 user out there - not many of us around :-)

I'm imaging this season with my TS65, interesting to see the similarity in our shots of M45

Do you find the QHY8 a bit weak in the blue channel? I use Nebulosity > auto-colour adjust > to fix that.

Again - great shots!


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Thanks for all of the kind comments, I find the encouragement and advice on this forum really helpful.

David, I have noticed the blue channel seems weaker and I will give your tip a trial, thanks.

Olly, you are right, there is still more in the 1396 data but atm I am a very unskilled PI driver with a lot still to learn, I will tease it out in the end though.

Tony, I used the HDRMultiscale Transform tool in PI, it is very simple to apply. Check out the Pixinsight video tutorials by Harry Page, they are brilliant, I think I would have given up on PI without them.

I have said it before but it's worth repeating that the help and advice given freely by people like Harry are worth their weight in gold, I am really grateful for their efforts.

Mike H

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Thanks for all of the kind comments, I find the encouragement and advice on this forum really helpful.

David, I have noticed the blue channel seems weaker and I will give your tip a trial, thanks.

Olly, you are right, there is still more in the 1396 data but atm I am a very unskilled PI driver with a lot still to learn, I will tease it out in the end though.

Tony, I used the HDRMultiscale Transform tool in PI, it is very simple to apply. Check out the Pixinsight video tutorials by Harry Page, they are brilliant, I think I would have given up on PI without them.

I have said it before but it's worth repeating that the help and advice given freely by people like Harry are worth their weight in gold, I am really grateful for their efforts.

Mike H

We aim to please :grin:


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