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What the hell is that in IC1396?


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Doing some experiments last night and took a few subs of part of IC1396. Processed them this morning and spotted this very wierd item in the bottom left corner (shown in the enlarged crop). I have googled lots of images of IC1396 and can't see anything like it on any of them. At the same time it is definately there in the data and not a problem in the optics (none of the other targets from last night show any anomolies).

Anyone any idea what it is?



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Hi Melsky,

I've seen lens flare before in some of my images using a particluar filter, but I wasn't using a filter last night and it's shape is not what I would normally expect to see. The only glass in the optical path was the CC.

However, I'll admit that a straight line through the 'handle' of the anomoly does point straight at the uCephi so I guess you are right.

Well you sure live and learn in this game :)

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That looks like lens flare to me too.

If you try imaging the same area with the bright star out of frame I'm sure the effect will disappear. If it's only just out of frame you could get a light smear in the area though.

Unfortunately it will be the CC doing the damage. I've seen far worse and wilder effects of flare.


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