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Clear skies tonight according to...


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So far this site has been really accurate even far distance (5-7 days) summary regarding cloud coverage.


It should be clear tonight for me around the Birmingham area. Not sure about UK but I have been in Holland on holiday last week and the skies were clear, missed my telescope!

So now I hope I be able to take the scope out and hope I can trust this site again which tells me it should be clear tonight...

I have not been stargazing for ages!

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Judging by the forecast for here it could be anywhere between useless and quite a good night. The Met Office forecast has changed more times than I can remember in the last 24 hours. Not that I blame them. It's probably easier trying to predict what weather we won't have at the moment.


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Well to be honest its almost 9pm, which should start to clear up but still cloudy. Not sure how much hours are between them measurements but I hope it turns out right cause I have not been out with my scope for at least 4 weeks now

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Must say I'm a little confused. It says weather at 3.am Sunday morning will be sunny, and Sunday from 9 pm till midnight will be sunny spells. I've heard of global warming and climate change, but sunny spells at midnight...hmm. :cool:

Nonetheless many thanks for the link.

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Thanks for the link

Half an hour ago i would have said its looking promising in south wales but just had another check out of the window and it seems to be a more cloudy than it was half an hour ago. Hopefully they pass before it gets dark but im not getting too optimistic. Been doing a little reading and want to put what i read to the test. Most people can probably do it with their eyes closed but im taking baby steps so as not to get too overwhelmed. My mission tonight, is to try and locate m31 through some binoculars. May even drive to the top of the mountain to get away from some of the light pollution around here. The only thing stopping me from doing any stargazing up there tho, apart from the clouds is you tend to get people doing unmentionable things in their cars up there. Dont think a guy with some binoculars would go down too well, lol

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On that site I only focus on the cloud coverage.

Well today it was not really accurate, ok there were here and there a break between the clouds but the next set were rolling in. I did take the scope out and seen galaxy but that was bout it.

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Same old story here, the clouds came over as soon as it started to get dark enough. Oh well, the stars arent going anywhere and these clouds cant stick around forever

true but Id like to see Mars and Saturn before they are gone in a few weeks behind all the trees and houses Iam surrounded with.

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yesterday at 12am bbc weather said that where I live was supposed to be clear tonight from 10pm. Now this morning it says it'll be mostly cloudy! Still, I'm not giving up hope for tonight as there are still a good 12 hours to go. Let's hope the clouds get lost! Mars has gone down too far for me to see now and Saturn is the only planet that can still be seen, however that will go down too far behind trees in the next few weeks! It's really frustrating because I remember we had a week long heatwave thing in May where the nights were clear for a week but as usual, I couldn't get my tripod or telescope to align properly and it all went down hill from there. When finally on the 7th July, I finally had a clear night and I could see Saturn in all its glory as I finally got my scope and moutn aligned! My family will get annoyed with me soon because I'm not putting the scope down or the mount as I feel this could mess things up. So my dining room has this big tripod (HEQ5) just waiting there saying to me 'is it clear tonight? I want to do some stargazing and some imaging!' I replied 'you and me both mate, you and me both'.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm the owner of TWO and post on here at times as I'm a keen amateur astronomer too. I've recently added a couple of new features to the site which compliment the cloud cover forecasts quite well, and could be useful here. These are the IR satellite cloud image overlay and the rainfall radar, links below. Both pages update every 15 mins.



PS: Mods/admins, hope it's ok to post links to my site but if not then obviously delete and I'll understand! :smiley:

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