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I've finally seen one!!!


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Just spent a VERY pleasant half hour with our good friend Andromeda.

After struggling for months to catch a galaxy...any galaxy...I've finally seen one. I was just getting the dog in at about 1am and noticed it had suddenly gone very clear, so I nipped out with the bins. Had a quick scan at the stars then looked on a star app to see if anything was about - with all the cloudy nights recently, I'd lost track of the sky! Was quite surprised to see Andromeda was about in the east.

Found it quite quickly with the bins...a bit like a smudgy thumbprint on the lens. Thought it might be worth dragging the scope out, and it was. Easy ish to find using the bins and the red dot. 25mm lens in a SW 130.

Absolutely stunning...

You all said I'd find one eventually, and you were right! Cheers!

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Congrats m31 was also my first galaxy and still my fave. In a dark site its so bright and so are the compaion galaxys. I have even been able to see the galaxy with 'smokey' dust lanes in wales mag 7skies. I cant wait to see it again later this year.

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Well found. I got it in the 15x70s. With the Moon, the twilight, and eff all dark adaptation I only saw the very core - but the night was made when a pair of satellites made a formation flyby either side of the galaxy :D

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Thanks...yes, it was quite LP'd but once it was in the eyepiece it was unmistakable! If that's what it's like on a mid-summer night, I can't wait for a winter's dark night!

And I know what I'm looking for now!

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I'm a bit jealous. Due to the skies not being particularly dark in the summer time, I've yet to see my first hint of nebulosity or a galaxy.

Fortunately, it's just about dark enough to see M31, but the weather hasn't allowed any views yet. Maybe in an hour!

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grats mate !!!! i bet you were well chuffed!!! :D im on the hunt for my 1st messier as soon as the clouds go away :( just got the book turn left at orion also :D i will soon be buying a light pollution filter and my 1st eye piece (not sure what tho :( ) so no excuses for me to spot my 1st messier :D i will be hunting for M13 as i got the perfect view to vega and arctucus from my garden view :D


great work mate, as soon as i find my first one ill post up a stacked picture of it :D

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Congratulations on your first galaxy. M31 was my first too, what a buzz it is to find especially in binoculars when you consider the distance of the thing. I found after finding my first galaxy then lots more follow suit, like buses wait forever for one then 3 come along at the same time. Just wait til you look at Virgo.

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Had another hour out last night from about 11pm. Andromeda an absolute doddle to find now...even in my cheapo 10x50 bins! Didn't get the 'scope out but had a blast just scanning the sky. Might also have caught a glimpse of the Hercules cluster and a LOT of interesting stuff around Cassiopeia.

Got some time off after this week, so let's hope the clear skies hold for a while...I spy an all-nighter coming on!

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