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Telrads? Are they all that?

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Bring up the ocular screen.

Press configure.

The next screen should have tabs for General, sensor etc.

In the general tab you will see the on screen control panel box.

Tick this one.

you can call me on 07593 826764 and i will talk you through it. :smiley:

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You need to open the ocular plugin.

Press configure

The next screen has a general tab.

Press this

At the bottom you should see the tick box for on screen control panel.

Tick this

Close the ocular screen.

Then save the optins by pressinf F2 or save.

You should then see the control panel on the main stellarium screen.

This is in windows.

hope that helps.

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Never having used one...

I understand the point that you see a number of rings of a pre-determined diameter superimposed on the sky, but doesn't the diameter of the rings depend on how close your eye is to the telrad screen? Is that just not an issue in normal use, or is there some sort of range of "optimal viewing" distances?


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it does not matter as the further/closer you are from/to the screen, the less/more sky fits in the screen. my mate uses one from 6 feet away on his 22" dob and uses just the central 1/2 degree circle as that's all he can see!

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Telrads, they really are very good, but I have not got one, what do I use ? a rather expensive illuminated 9X50 finder, it has a an etched cross hair graduated screen in 1.5° divisions in combination with my clear plastic overlay, scale marked in rings to match, for use on my star maps, also a Williams RDF with a large screen to get me in the ball park :)


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You need to open the ocular plugin.

Press configure

The next screen has a general tab.

Press this

At the bottom you should see the tick box for on screen control panel.

Tick this

Close the ocular screen.

Then save the optins by pressinf F2 or save.

You should then see the control panel on the main stellarium screen.

This is in windows.

hope that helps.

Tries all the above with no success - no tick box for 'control panel' on the General Tab, so I gave up and went to bed.

Then this morning uninstalled 0.11.1 and then downloaded 0.11.3 and bingo, it worked :grin: :grin: . Thanks JohnC, got there in the end .....

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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, this is a long thread and I've not read all og it, but the only problem I have with my telrad is it takes about 5 seconds for it to dew up and become useless.

I've told this can be remedied but I haven't had mine long so I've not got round to trying anything out yet.

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I have used both the Telrad and Rigel, they are very good indeed. But other look unwieldy on the scope and the Telrad looks very odd on a small scope. I'm happy with my cheapo Televue RDF (only £15) and 50mm optical finder combo. RDF gets me close and the 50mm nails it.

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I have a telrad, one thing bugs me withit, i can see no reason why it should be as large as it is. When you open it up to install batteries it is mainly full of fresh air; surely they could cut the size down somewhat. Apart from that it is a superbly useful bit of kit.

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I think the main reason it's so large is that there seems to be a set distance for the reticle/'laser' to work. the batteries need to be the other side of this so this adds to the bulk. I find a dew shield (home made are good) works well and some use dew heaters but I like it simple. given it's not optical glass, I have no issues using a tissue (or even my finger on occasion) to wipe off any dew. once this is done, it sees to dew less after that. I wonder if there's an anti dewing spray you can buy?

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I just got my Telrad a few days ago, the only trouble I found when I first used it was, when viewing with both eyes open, I went cross eyed! Got used to it after a while, but was a bit off putting to say the least!

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in fact, I have just read that applying fairy liquid can work and also baby shampoo. I think that you basically wipe a small amount over the surface and allow to dry. worth a try methinks.

I have tried this with varying success.

Like you say the simple dewshield works ok and is a simple no fuss solution.

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This sounds horrible...but from my diving days.

If you spit on the lens and wipe clean it does keep misting at bay.

This technique is employed in keeping the diving masks clear :smiley:

Wouldn't use it on the scope though :grin:

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I prefer to use the holes. I feel that the sticky pads won't last long, that they'll lose their stickiness.

Any one have a photo of the base, showing the holes that should allow me to attach one to my scope?

I think you are trying to fix something that is not broken. The sticky pads do their job perfectly, mine has been on for 2 years and shows no signs of becoming less sticky.



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