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Where should I stick my Telrad?

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Hi, simple question really, have Skyliner 250 Dob classic, just aquired Telrad & would rather not remove standard supplied finderscope , at least at first, if I don't have to.

Is there room for both to be in good usable positions?

Where have people found the best position for a Telrad to be?

Many Thanks,

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I have a flextube Dob and have placed it directly on top. I have removed the finderscope as I didn't see the point in having both. I never got on with the finderscope.


This is exactly what I do now and how I had my 200P set up, some people love the Telrad and RAC finder combo but I never really got on with it and I find its a lot easier just using the Telrad.

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You could put it directly behind the gap between the focuser and the finderscope, but when mine arrives i will dispense with the finder scope. I am used to a red dot finder anyway so it will be easy to move on to a telrad.

clear skies Den.

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I generally put my Telrads as high up the tube as I can (less neck craning) and as close to the focuser as possible just between it and the standard finder. you can always take the finder off and leave the shoe.

I am one who prefers a telrad plus a RACI finder as I cannot see much below the main stars in most constellations and cannot even see some of the fainter ones (like Cancer which is almost invisible) due to light pollution. the only issue with both sometimes is balancing but this can be overcome easily.

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This information might not be much use to you for I use a refractor, but just to have some idea I simply tied my Telrad's base to the OTA with plastic cable ties. No clue, no scratches, 100% firm support. I use the Telrad along with my 8x50 finder, both of which I find absolutely indispensable for the urban stargazer. If I want to remove the Telrad I just snip the cable ties and get some more out of the packet when I want to reuse it.

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Thanks, with these replies + searching - I think I have a 'shortlist' of positions to try with it held temporarily 1. other side of finder, 2. on top of finder & 3. between focusser & finder but set back as there is no room directly between.

Will probably try all 3 and see which works best for me, esp. re my doddgy uppper back.

Have strong feeling that supplied finder may go as I won't use it but will see as many here do seem to use both, esp in LP skies.

Looking to add dew shield / right angle mirror to Xmas list so after that may find a different position better.

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I have a 200P Dob and have the Telrad just alongside the finder, but on the side away from the focuser - order focuser, finder, Telrad. I have a RACI finder which is very comfortable to use in any orientation where I can reach the focuer and eyepiece. The Telrad is fine to use except near the zenith where you have to bend down and squint up. I think you can get a mirror attachment for a Telrad to rotate viewpoint through 90 degrees to match RACI finder and eyepiece. That would mean I could smoothly transfer my attention between all three views.

As many here have said, you can dispense with the finder, but I find the ability to swtich quickly from x1 to x8 to x25, or whatever, very useful.


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I put mine on the far side of the finder scope, althought I've now replaced the finder scope with the RDF off my 130 as the straight through finder scope is a waste of time, I think a right angle FS is my next purchase

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I removed the finderscope on mine and put the telrad where the finder used to be.

Then drilled two holes (very carefully !) just to the right of the telrad and reattached the finder shoe there (if you do this beware the finder mounting plate on the inside of the OTA when you remove it).

I still like to use the finder even though I have a telrad, they can be complimentary.

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As first of the three options to try I posted earlier we have cable tied it to the top of the finder. Seems secure and aligned (daylight on a bit of tree trunk) easily with both finder and focusser

Chose that one as it seemed easiest viewing position for my back when viewing and moving from Telrad to finder is easy before moving back to view thru EP.

Will give it a go 'in anger' as soon as the clouds clear - which looks like the end of the month based on the forecast for down here. :cry:

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