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300Pds And Neq6Pro On Ebay

robbie c

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OMG that is BIG I wonder what that will go for and the seller says it's brand new


You would need 3 people to set it up :grin:

I have a NEQ6 and a 250PDS, the Mount and Tripod (in one piece) i lift out of there shed and place on the patio, attach the weights, then the OTA lifted and dropped in the dovetails, its heave'ish but i'm 65 this month and don't find it a strain...that could be a real bargain, new there running at £1550 for the pair...

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Often larger scopes go for quite reasonable prices because many people just don't have the space to store them, but as there are five or six bidders on this one already I can't see it going that cheaply.


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I reckon the current owner found it a bit more of a handful than he/she expected. For imaging (if that was their intention) I don't think even an NEQ6 is enough mount for that tube.

My 10" Orion Optics newtonian is quite compact when mounted on an alt-az mount but put it on an EQ and it seems to grow into a bit of a beast !

The Widescreen Centre in London has, or had, a 16" F/4 on a massive EQ mount which dominated their showroom - you actually walked underneath the thing to get to the reception desk :shocked:

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They come up quite often and mostly get sold cheap too....usually bought by the clueless who have no idea (i) how big it is or (ii) how complex it all is as they have been led to believe by Cox and his mates that its all easy stuff. Very quickly they get disabused of that notion and hola its all for sale again. Seen these come and go so many times now.

They are cheap for a reason - anyone who knows how big they are also knows they arent really portable and frankly even the NEQ6 isnst up to the job of holding that weight of scope consequently those in the know wont bid and only the clueless will. It aint the gear for AP and if all you want is visual a GoTo Dob is more bang for the buck.

If you missed the auction - dont worry - anopther one will come along soon - quite possibly the same scope as its new owner wakes up to the size of it.

Its the Brian Cox / Loadsamoney effect in action. Get the biggest scope mate - money no problem - what I have to invest time learning to use it - nah aint got time mate - flog it off and go back to PS/3 gaming.

Bargains galore for thems that can wait :)

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